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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

January 11

Example is better than precept.

Letter to Bahudak, 11 January, 1976

January 10

Those who are actually looking for spiritual culture will find immense wealth in Caitanya-caritamrta.

Letter to Pusta Krishna, 10 January, 1976

January 9

I am so much pleased upon all of the boys and girls in Los Angeles and all over the world who are understanding and appreciating this unique quality of our transcendental literature and voluntarily they are going out to distribute despite all circumstances of difficulty. By this effort alone they are assured to go back to home, back to Godhead.

Letter to Ramesvara, 9 January, 1973

January 8

Krsna says that "My way is followed by everyone." The impersonalists, they are also aiming to the same goal and the yogis or the localized realizer they are also aiming the same goal. But the devotees, they have reached the same goal. That is the difference. The impersonalists or the yogis, they could not reach the final goal. But the devotees, they have reached the final goal.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 4.11-18, Los Angeles, January 8, 1969

January 7

Krsna says, api cet su-duracarah. Even though you find in some devotees some bad behavior, not standard, but because he is a devotee, he is constantly engaged in Krsna consciousness, therefore he is sadhu. Even though he has got some bad habits due to his past life, it doesn't matter. Because this will stop. Because he has taken to Krsna consciousness, all nonsense habit will stop. The switch is off. As soon as one comes to Krsna , the switch which impelled one to bad habits, that becomes off immediately. So just like there is heat, Krsna , heater, electric heater. If you make the switch off, it still remains hot, but gradually, the temperature comes down and it becomes cool.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 10.8, New York, January 7, 1967

January 6

I will be very pleased if you contribute articles to BTG. By writing regularly, what you read will become realized. As much as possible read, chant, and preach. This is our life and soul. If we keep to this simple formula then there is no doubt that we will be victorious wherever we go and very soon we shall become the only religion in the world.

Letter to Hrdayananda, 6 January, 1972

January 5

Regarding your question is it all right to assign the entire sankirtana party for distributing books so that no one will be free for street chanting? Of course we should not understanding the meaning of sankirtana very narrowly, that only chanting and dancing and playing instruments, no, sankirtana means to glorify the Lord in a congregational manner. So if many devotees are going out daily on the streets and public places for distributing our literature, that is also sankirtana, even if there is no one chanting.

Letter to Ravindra Svarupa, 5 January, 1973

January 4

I do not know when I have said to anyone that Krsna should not wear anything black color, nor I know where I have given any permission to wear black color, but there is no harm if sometimes Krsna dresses something black. Sometimes in Vrndavana they dress Him in black.

Letter to Dhruvananda, 4 January, 1973

January 3

The fact is that I am the only one in India who is openly criticizing, not only demigod worship and impersonalism, but everything that falls short of complete surrender to Krishna. My Guru Maharaja never compromised in His preaching, nor will I nor should any of my students. We are firmly convinced that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and all other are His part and parcel servants. This we must declare boldly to the whole world, that they should not foolishly dream of world peace unless they are prepared to surrender fully to Krishna as Supreme Lord.

Letter to Giriraja, 3 January, 1972

January 2

Your next question was about the free will, whether we have it or not? If one is not intelligent enough for making for making decisions, then all decisions shall be sanctioned by the spiritual master. Neophyte means no independent decisions, no free will, that means surrender. But when he is trained up then automatically he gets his freedom. Just like a small child can only eat such things which are sanctioned by his parents, not by his own discretion. Free will is that when the controller says do this, you can use your free will to do it or not to do it. You have got the power to not do.

Letter toYajnesvara, 2 January, 1972
