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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

November 15

If you simply push on this one activity of distributing my books, your all success will be there. I have hatched this "transcendental plot'' for getting money by selling my books, and if we stick only to this plan, and use our brain for selling books, there will easily be sufficient money.

Letter to Lalita Kumar, 15 November, 1971

November 14

Best thing is that one should know he is in conditioned life and try to cure it. When a man is in diseased condition he should try to get out of diseased condition without harassing his brain when the disease has begun. But it is to be understood that the disease is not our constant companion, it is temporary. So the best thing is to cure the disease, and not waste our time to find out the date when it began. Forgetfulness of Krishna is the disease, so let us keep ourselves always in Krishna Consciousness, and get out of the disease, that is healthy life.

Letter to Aniruddha, 14 November, 1968

November 13

Regarding your question, Sayamrupa means the Original Form. Sayamprakash means Balarama. And Tadekatmarupa is the purusa, just like Mahavisnu. It is not necessary to remember or fully understand all these different forms, at the present, but it is like if you simply stick to the master faithfully that is very good, but if you know that my master is so great, and so rich, and great in this way and rich in this way, and that way, then your veneration for your master will increase.

Letter to Upendra, 13 November, 1968

November 12

Regarding Gurukula, they are in financial difficulty, so introduce book distribution. Sankirtana and Book Distribution should be pushed side by side, and there will be no difficulties. That is our experience.

Letter to Jagadisa dasa, 12 November, 1974

November 12

Regarding Gurukula, they are in financial difficulty, so introduce book distribution. Sankirtana and Book Distribution should be pushed side by side, and there will be no difficulties. That is our experience.

Letter to Jagadisa dasa, 12 November, 1974

November 11

Persons who want to take advantage of cheap reputation they imitate great personalities like Haridasa Thakura, who was alone chanting 300,000 of Holy Names daily. By such chanting, lonely chanting he got so much spiritual power that he could convert even a harlot to become a great devotee whereas an ordinary person falls easily a victim to such allurement.

Letter to Sivananda, 11 November, 1968

November 10

I thank you very much. You know how to dress and how to worship and I am very much pleased. It is a question of heart how to please Krsna. One simply has to agree to be trained up how to do it. You have done very nicely. I am very much pleased. And now you should teach others how to do it.

Letter to Jayatirtha das and Manjuali dasi, 10 November, 1975

November 9

I do not think that the jewelry business should be encouraged. We are after preaching, not money. Their endeavor should be utilized for selling books. That is different from the endeavor of selling jewelry.

Letter to Rupanuga das, 9 November, 1975

November 8

Yes, everyone of you should write something, so if you have completed any small booklets, you may send them to me and I shall see them and send to Hayagriva for possibly printing.

Letter to Pusta Krishna, 8 November, 1972

November 7

In each and every planet there is a predominant deity, as we have got experience in this planet there is a president, so it is not wonderful when the predominating deity fights with another predominating deity of another planet. The modern science takes everything as dead stone. We take it for granted that everything is being manipulated by a person in each and every affair of the cosmology. The modern scientists however could not make any progress in the understanding of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, therefore we do not accept modern science as very perfect. We take Krishna's version.

Letter to Krsnadasa, 7 November, 1972
