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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

October 11

We are now in forgotten state. This conditioned material life means we have forgotten our real constitutional position. I am thinking, "I am this body," but I am not this body. I am spirit soul; aham brahmasmi. But we have forgotten it. We have forgotten our relationship with the Supreme Lord. This forgetfulness is also due to the influence of the Supersoul. Because we wanted to act... Just like a very first-class dramatic director, he instructs the player in such a way that sometimes he forgets. The more he forgets he plays very nicely. Similarly, we wanted to enjoy this material world, so unless we forget completely that "I am spirit soul, I am not this body, actually I can not enjoy...? So that forgetfulness is also due to the Supersoul. He is giving us full chance. But His advice that "Do not become entangled in these material activities." Therefore his instruction is sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja [Bg. 18.66]. That is His instruction.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 13.17, Bombay, October 11, 1973

October 10

Everything we can know. This human form of body is specially meant for that purpose. You can understand what you are, what is this material nature, what is God and how we are related, how things are going on. Everything is there, but we are so foolish that we do not take care. We live like cats and dogs, eat something and sleep and have sexual intercourse and then we are afraid always and then die. This is cats' and dogs' life. Real life is to know, athato brahma jijnasa. That is real life, human life. One must be inquisitive to understand the Absolute Truth, brahma-jijnasa, not inquiring in the market, "What is the rate of share? What is the rate of rice? No, not for this inquiry. Jijnasuh sreya uttamam. To inquire about the Absolute Truth, uttamam, beyond this material nature. Udgata tamam. This material nature is called tama. Tamaso ma jyotir gama. These are the Vedic injunctions.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 13.16, Bombay, 10 October, 1973

October 9

So far your question, the soul is fundamentally pure but he has an aptitude to come to the impure state of material contamination. He is therefore called tatastha or marginal. He has got the liberty of staying within the pure state or becoming contaminated. That is his choice. This marginal point can be understood in this way; just like you are standing on the shore of the sea. So you can remain on the land or sometimes you can jump into the water to enjoy as you will see on the beaches. So many young boys are enjoying. But that is dangerous at the same time. One who does not know swimming expertly well he may become drowned. Similarly the soul from the spiritual platform sometimes jumps over the material ocean of nescience. The Vedic knowledge gives him specific instruction how to swim over but if he is a rascal, he does not take the instruction through the bona fide representative, the spiritual master, and he becomes drowned. That is the position.

Letter to Upendra, 9 October, 1971

October 8

The first expansion is Balarama, Baladeva. And the next expansion is Sankarsana, Vasudeva, Aniruddha, Pradyumna. The next expansion is Narayana. The next expansion again second catur-vyuha. Sankarsana again. Dvitiya-catur-vyuha. Then next expansion, Visnu, Maha-Visnu. Next expansion, Garbhodakasayi Visnu. And next expansion is Ksirodakasayi Visnu. In this way, there are different expansion, but krsnas tu bhagavan svayam. Adyam purusam sasvatam. Krsna is the original person. Therefore Krsna says, mattah parataram nanyat [Bg. 7.7]. “I am not expansion of anybody.”

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.7.51-52, Vrindavan, October 8, 1976

October 7

In the Vedic literature, it is stated that anyone who takes birth on this planet, they are very fortunate. Because it is the special planet where Krishna descends when He comes.

Letter to Tosana Krishna, 7 October, 1968

October 6

Your suggestion is very good - if the verses from Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita are presented in classical art it will be something wonderful - the whole world will appreciate. We already have a dramatic party in New York, and their performances are very much appreciated. Indian classical songs are appreciated here and in foreign countries also. This program of presenting the Bhagavatam in classical song is a good idea. vedaih sangapada-kramopanisadair ga yanti yam samagah (Bhag. 12.13.1)

Letter to Dr. Chatterjee, 6 October, 1976

October 5

Yes, the GBCs should move and visit other zones, and I quite approve that the GBC chairman can do this.

Letter to Tamala Krishna, 5 October, 1976

October 4

I think this book is meant for somewhat older children, about ten to fifteen years. We are also immediately requiring some books for much younger children, say five to ten years age. Another thing you just see that every and each item and example for discussion is made very clear in continuous context so that it will be easy for their understanding. As you have done this first book it is very good beginning, so you go on writing and improving and make a series of such books and we shall see to their printing.

Letter to Yogesvara, 4 October, 1970

October 3

I am so glad to learn that you are interested in the matter of Vaisnava philosophy. Vaisnava philosophy is very simple: that God is great and everyone is His servant. Nobody can be equal to or greater than God. They are simultaneously one and different. In quality they are one, but in magnitude they are different. This is the whole philosophy of the four Vaisnava sampradayas.

Letter to Professor S. C. Chakravarti, 3 October, 1970

October 2

Just like airplane. It is comfortable. You can quickly go from one place to another. But as soon as on the plane, immediately your life is at risk. There is no certainty. So this is the way of material world. You create some comfort and you create some greater danger also. Side by side. It cannot be unhampered comfort. That is not possible.

Morning walk, Mauritius, October 2, 1975
