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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

June 21

From Lord Balarama comes the entire transcendental dhama, which descends from the spiritual world into this material world. Praudha-maya protects the dhama in this world from the materialistic.This praudha-maya, which creates a thin covering or film over the dhäma to protect it, keeps all persons who are deceitful and full of pride from entering into the dhama.Jiva Gosvami once asked Lord Nityananda, “How is it that somebody can live in the dhama for such a long time and Krishna bhakti will never manifest in his heart?” Lord Nityananda explained: “Dear Jiva, actually, they were never in the dhama, because proud persons cannot reside in the dhama, as praudha-maya is protecting it.” Therefore they are standing on what appears to them to be the dhama, but the covering is protecting them from influencing it.
Lectures From a Disciple, Counselor System, Pg 406, 5-6th Paragraph

June 20

Shelter also comes with the association of one’s peers. To effectively associate with others, we have to learn how to develop the ability to see the good qualities in others. To develop the ability to see the good qualities in others, we have to look within our own hearts to see the anarthas that are obstructing us and preventing us from seeing.
Lectures From a Disciple, Counselor System, Pg 404, 4th Paragraph

June 19

Devotees must very closely associate with each other and take care of each other first and foremost. It is not that they are big leaders, or have a big group of people whom they are taking care of. For devotees who take care of other devotees, the most important relationships are the ones they have with each other.
Lectures From a Disciple, Counselor System, Pg 404, 3rd Paragraph

June 18

A householder should have an honest means of livelihood, and their recreation should be preaching. Instead of spending one’s spare time on oneself, a devotee should use that time to try to do good for others. He will thus be much happier. Without obtaining some satisfaction from Krishna consciousness, one will think that the only way to be satisfied is by increasing his wealth and material opulence.
Lectures From a Disciple, Counselor System, Pg 404, 1st Paragraph

June 17

There is a difference between counselor groups and nama-hattas. Certainly new people are not ready to immediately comply with strict standards and restrictions. By forcing it upon them, it might even turn them away. Therefore, there has to be something that is a little less rigid for the newcomers. However, when they start becoming more serious, they should know that there is something that is stricter that they should follow. They should be encouraged to move in that direction. It does not mean that we put all the devotees who are bad examples to preach to the new people. Those who preach to newcomers should be a good example, but they are less strict with them.
Lectures From a Disciple, Counselor System, Pg 403, 3rd Paragraph"

June 16

To take care of someone does not mean just telling them that what they are doing is wrong. It means making the person feel cared for, and convincing them that you are actually thinking of them, so that they will want to try to improve. If the devotee is sincerely endeavoring to try to improve, then it should be recognized and encouraged. Otherwise, they will think that the authority is just a person who is always pushing them down, while in actuality the authority should actually be a person who brings others up and inspires them.
Lectures From a Disciple, Counselor System, Pg 402, last Paragraph

June 15

It is the responsibility of the neophyte newcomers to Krishna consciousness to learn humility, and it is the responsibility of the counselors to not abuse the humility of others. When those two qualifications exist, we will have an effective counselor system.
Lectures From a Disciple, Counselor System, Pg 400, 1st Paragraph

June 14

It is also the responsibility of the person who is supposed to be in the superior position to be an example, to be caring, to not be interested in respect, to not demand respect, and to not use his position for controlling others. Rather, he should have a relationship with that person exclusively for the purpose of helping him. The most important aspect is to help somebody without an expectation of getting something in return. If one cannot do that, then he is not qualified for taking care of others. One must be trustworthy, and the dependent should see that such a devotee has no other agenda in their relationship, other than wanting to help him in his spiritual life.

Lectures From a Disciple, Counselor System, Pg 399, 3rd Paragraph

June 13

When you associate with somebody who is more advanced, then you can get the opportunity to exchange according to the teachings of Rupa Gosvami—to reveal your mind in confidence and to inquire confidentially. If you do not have that kind of spiritual relationship in life, it is very difficult to make progress. Often that relationship does not exist because we are not willing to be humble. We are not willing to look for superior qualities that exist in others. We are not willing to accept that somebody may actually have something that they can offer us in our spiritual life. For a beginner in Krishna consciousness, that is very dangerous, as it means that he is beginning spiritual life from a very dangerous platform. If pride exists within the heart, it is very difficult to advance spiritually. The Lord is very much attracted to humility in His devotees.Wherever there is humility, there are genuine exchanges between one devotee and another.
Lectures From a Disciple, Counselor System, Pg 399, 2nd Paragraph

June 12

The primary purpose for the counselor system is so that devotees have trusting relationships with other devotees. The authority for one’s spiritual life cannot be established simply by designating somebody as an authority. Lord Caitanya’s movement is a voluntary movement, which means that we have to voluntarily give ourselves to an authority, on the basis of some substance of faith. When we voluntarily give ourselves to an authority, then we take greater responsibility for following their instructions, because we have faith that the instructions are beneficial for the objective we wish to achieve in Krishna consciousnes.
Lectures From a Disciple, Counselor System, Pg 399, 1st Paragraph
