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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

May 1

Prabhupäda makes the point that in the spiritual world, everything is meant for Krishna’s pleasure and everyone’s actions are always meant to please Him. Even though externally there may appear to be some fault, it is not really a fault. A fault is something that obstructs Krishna’s pleasure, and that does not exist in the spiritual world.
Lectures from a Disciple, "Vaisnava Etiquette", Pg 324,5th Paragraph

April 30

However, in the spiritual world, one is thinking that he wants to do better. His envy is always aimed towards increasing his own determination, enthusiasm and inspiration to do something that is pleasing to Krishna, but never in any way does it obstruct the service of another. In fact, in the spiritual world, the appearance of envy only enhances Krishna’s pleasure; it never diminishes the service to Him, as there is no malice.
Lectures from a Disciple, "Vaisnava Etiquette", Pg 324,3rd Paragraph

April 29

Etiquette consists of the rules and codes of behavior that are positive for the proper exchange not only between human beings, but all living beings. Etiquette also encompasses avoiding the nisedhas, which are prohibited activities that one should avoid since the result could be the commission of an offense or aparadha.
Lectures from a Disciple,  "Vaisnava Etiquette", Pg 321,3rd Paragraph

April 27

I am most satisfied when the devotees are always endeavoring to remember Krishna and to never forget Him. In other words, I put more emphasis on sadhana. I am a firm advocate that if devotees have good sadhana, then they will be able to do anything for Krishna. If they do not have good sadhana, then whatever they do will not last very long, and then there will be disappointment that they were not able to follow the instructions of the spiritual master. It is better to avoid being put into that disappointing situation.
Lectures from a Disciple, "Serving the Mood and Instructions of the Spiritual Master", Pg 318,last Paragraph

April 28

If you want to satisfy me, you will rise early every morning and chant your rounds attentively. You will listen to my lectures about chanting the holy name and understand my instructions on the proper method and consciousness that one should have in chanting. Every day you will read from Srila Prabhupäda’s books. You will associate with devotees for the purpose of hearing and chanting about Krishna. I promise that if you do this, understanding it to be the most important service to me,everything else will follow.
Lectures from a Disciple, "Serving the Mood and Instructions of the Spiritual Master", Pg 319,1st Paragraph

April 26

To associate with devotees also means understanding the mood of the spiritual master. It is one thing to superficially take the instructions of the spiritual master, but it is another thing to
understand the internal mood of the spiritual master. For example, if the spiritual master instructs us to associate with devotees, then understanding the internal mood of the spiritual master means developing the vision to see all the good qualities in the association of devotees. The spiritual master has his internal mood and vision. We must look at what it is that inspires him to preach.
Lectures from a Disciple, "Serving the Mood and Instructions of the Spiritual Master", p.317, 5th Paragraph

April 25

Sometimes devotees are very enthusiastic when they are in the physical presence of guru, but when he leaves, then somehow that enthusiasm and steadiness dissipates. Steadiness comes from the following: faith, chanting, hearing Krishna-katha, devotion, inspiration, discipline, the desire to please the guru, and understanding and serving the internal mood of the spiritual master.
Lectures from a Disciple, "Serving the Mood and Instructions of the Spiritual Master", Pg 317,1st Paragraph

April 21

This is essentially a summary of all the different types of reciprocators—whether it is unconditional love, conditional love or indifference. Krishna is going to explain why it appeared that
He did not reciprocate, but in fact, was reciprocating. This is what really brings out and enhances Krishna’s personality —especially in the case of devotees—when it externally appears that Krishna is invisible and is not reciprocating. When it appears that Krishna is not reciprocating, He is actually reciprocating, because He is intensifying the affection and unconditional love that devotees have for Him. Krishna says to the gopis, “For those who are actually situated on the platform of prema (pure love), I do not reciprocate with them because I want to intensify their attachment, love and affection for Me. Just like a person who once had a great wealth and later lost it, he does nothing after he lost it except think of how to get that wealth back again.”
Lectures from a Disciple, "Serving a Person", Pg 57, 4th Paragraph

April 20

We can relate to these emotions of the gopis, as they are based upon the emotions that we experience in relationships in this world. However, the emotions that we experience in this world are the perverted reflections of the emotions that the gopis and the residents of Vrindavana are experiencing with Krishna. The symptom of their love is that it is never diminished even though there is reason for it to diminish. It is one of the symptoms given by Rupa Gosvämi as the criteria of loving relationships between Krishna and the gopis. Although there is a reason for diminution of their love, it is never diminished. Rather, it is always increasing.
Lectures from a Disciple, "Serving a Person", Pg 56, 5th Paragraph

April 19

A phrase that we use very liberally sometimes is devotional service. We say, “This is my devotional service” or “I perform this devotional service” or “can I have some devotional service?” However, in devotional service, there must be some affection and absorption. Rupa Gosvami explains that there are two characteristics of devotional service: svarupa-lakshana and tatastha lakshna.The svarupa-lakshana (primary characteristic) of bhakti is the intent to please Krishna, and the secondary characteristic is freedom from any motivation, the desire for fruitive gain and the desire for liberation. When devotion, with the primary aim and desire to please Krishna, is awakened within the heart, it is Krishna’s mercy. Krishna does not otherwise give devotion so easily.
Lectures from a Disciple, "Serving a Person", Pg 52, 2nd Paragraph
