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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

April 6

Although you're far away, you are near to me in my thoughts. The speed of mind is very fast. It can travel such long distances in just a moment. Similarly, you can also invite me to be with you at any time by remembering my instructions. I will come and I will stay with you as long as you remember this.
Collected Letters to Friends and disciples Vol 5, Pg 51, 1st paragraph.

April 5

if you want to inspire others to work together with you, then the first idea you should fulfill should be to inspire these devotees to serve Krishna. Whatever other ideas you want to fulfill should be subordinate to that idea. If the devotees are inspired by your words to serve Krishna, then you should be inspired too, even if they have different ideas on how to serve Krishna, because at least their thoughts will be on giving pleasure to Krishna. Krishna will be pleased with you for inspiring them in this way, and if Krishna is pleased, then it will be well worth your endeavor.
Collected Letters to Friends and disciples Vol 5, Pg 41, 4th paragraph.

April 3

My realization is that when we are internal, prayerful, desirous of pleasing the spiritual master, and anxious to see Krishna's intervention in our insignificant lives, Krishna will repeatedly send us indications that He's watching and helping us to please His dear devotees-something which is more pleasing to Him. His confirmation will come through the words of a Vaishnava, oftentimes unexpectedly. But it's just what we need to hear even though the Vaisnava did not intend to deliver his message directly to us. Krishna's confirmations can come in other forms-through nature, in dreams, social interactions, etc. If we cultivate the eagerness to see Krishna, He will show Himself to us, even though we are not ready to see His personal form.
Collected Letters to Friends and Disciples Vol 5, Pg 37, 2nd paragraph.

April 2

There is no immediate solution for discouragement, other than faith in the process which Srila Prabhupada has given us for becoming Krishna concious. As we grow in Krishna conciousness, we realize just how much more the distance is which we have to go before we can transcend everything to do with this material world. But we should never lose hope. That you cannot give up your sadhana means that you have hope. Otherwise why would you continue to follow?
Collected Letters to Friends and disciples Vol 5, Pg 33, 2nd paragraph.

April 1

Of course, nothing can guarantee that similar reversals will not happen again in our lives in some way or another as long as we are still in the material world. As Srila Prabhupada put it: "a devotee is always pessimistic about the material world, but he is very optimistic about spiritual life." Of course, this does not mean that we have to feel depressed or that we should always expect the worst. This means, however, that we should not believe that we can find the kind of happiness that will satisfy the soul completely anywhere in the material world and its concomitant relations. As Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.5.18) says, one should aspire only for the kind of happiness that cannot be found anywhere in this material world, while expecting material happiness and misery to come on their own accord.
Collected Letters to Friends and disciples Vol 5, Pg 23, last paragraph.

March 31

"Sincerely chanting Hare Krishna and hearing/reading about Krishna is the foundation which gives us the aspiration to accomplish more with our lives than simply meeting our physical and emotional needs. Although having these needs fulfilled can help one to acheive a sense of stability, possessing them - even throughout all of one's life - is not the criteria for a successful life. Real success is the acheivement of pure and steady Krishna conciousness, which you can see is a lifetime pursuit.
Collected Letters to Friends and Disciples Vol 5, Pg 22, 4th paragraph.

March 30

In the face of adversity, in any situation beyond our control, we have an impetus to remember Krishna: "Krishna, only You can protect me from the influence of Your powerful illusory energy. Every moment without the association of Your devotees is like hell. But for some reason You have put me in this situation. Let me see this misfortune as Your will and thus as an opportunity to think of You and to pray to You for protection.
Collected Letters to Friends and Disciples Vol 5, Pg 21, 3rd paragraph.

March 29

I am not indifferent towards your present situation. But the only way I see that I can help you is to help strengthen your faith in Krishna. Krishna is the Supreme Mystic. He can do anything He wishes. If we want to draw His attention, then we must be prepared to remain tolerant, humble, patient, and confident in His protection.
Collected Letters to Friends and Disciples Vol 5, Pg 21, 2nd paragraph.

March 29

I am not indifferent towards your present situation. But the only way I see that I can help you is to help strengthen your faith in Krishna. Krishna is the Supreme Mystic. He can do anything He wishes. If we want to draw His attention, then we must be prepared to remain tolerant, humble, patient, and confident in His protection.
Collected Letters to Friends and Disciples Vol 5, Pg 21, 2nd paragraph.

March 28

Look deep within and try to fix yourself on fulfilling just one of Krishna's desires. Everything else, including the fulfillment of all other desires, will fall into place when you fix your mind on doing something that's pleasing to Krishna. Of course, this requires faith and surrender. I pray that Krishna will help you with both.
Collected Letters to Friends and Disciples Vol 5, Pg 17, 2nd paragraph.
