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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

March 27

There are so many standard, Krishna concious answers for those who are suffering, but usually relief will come not from the exact answers themselves, but from the motive behind the answer. Everyone wants to feel cared for. It is the innate desire of the soul.
Collected Letters to Friends and Disciples Vol 5, Pg 15, 3rd paragraph

March 26

Faith cannot be legislated, even by scriptural injunctions. It can only arise by hearing, seeing, and associating with those who have faith in pure devotional service.
Collected Letters to Friends and Disciples Vol 5, Pg 13, 1st paragraph.

March 25

The way I see it, the counselors should be armed with guru-tattva, and should speak from that platform, with the conviction that the best preparation for anyone aspiring for initiation is to intensely and sincerely pray to the Lord within to give them the shelter of Sri Guru. Such prayers are a prerequisite for anyone aspiring to obtain the shelter from an instructing and/or initiating spiritual master.
Collected Letters to Friends and disciples Vol 4, Pg 90, last paragraph.

March 24

There are many children who never saw a gurukula, but who are still strong in their desire to be Krishna concious. Conversely, there are many children who were raised in gurukula, but their experiences were such that they rejected Krishna conciousness as they grew older. Of course, the gurukulas remaining today have learned a lot from the mistakes of the past. But one thing that has also been learned is that it is the duty of the parents to teach Krishna conciousness to their children by their own example. In the long run, that will bear the most positive impact upon their children, whether they grow up in gurukulas or in slaughtehouse schools.
Collected Letters to Friends and disciples Vol 4, Pg 95, 2nd paragraph.

March 21

I am sorry to hear that you have many problems. But then again, it is not unusal for anyone to have many problems in this material world. As I understand, there will always be problems, and there is no escaping that factor. Our only means for any genuine escape is to turn to Krishna with our hands in the air and call out His name.
Collected Letters to Friends and disciples Vol 4, Pg 107, 2nd paragraph.

March 20

I was speaking to one brahmachari. He was asking me how to have a greater sense of the mission. I was explaining to him the principle of gratitude. The deeper the spiritual experience we get from serving and chanting, the deeper our gratitude becomes, and with that, the desire to reciprocate by our service with those who are inspiring us to chant. We must always look to deepen this experience, and that happens by serving those who help us to increase our faith in holy name. When that is the focus, then everything else that we do, including our work and other duties, is properly connected.
Collected Letters to Friends and disciples Vol 4, Pg 118, last paragraph.

March 19

Krishna does not always immediately releive pain, though we should never think that it's because He wants us to suffer. He wants no one to suffer - not even those who are envious of Him, what to speak of His devotee. We must see the root cause of our sufferring is our forgetfulness of Him. Now is the time to train your mind to see all this as Krishna's mercy.
From pain also comes growth for those who are willing to learn and trust Krishna's ways of bringing us closer to Him. Pain is also a reminder that we have forgotten Him. Krishna's devotees are those who remind us of His all-knowing presence within our hearts. By remembering that Krishna is there in our hearts, witnessing our actions, words, and thoughts, Krishna, who has allowed us to forget Him, will bring us closer to Him. Or as Srila Prabhupada would often say, "If we take one step to Krishna, Krishna will take ten steps to us." We simply must make the effort to remember Him and remember that He's there in our hearts because He wants us to turn to Him, He cares for us, and He will not forget us.
Collected Letters to Friends and disciples Vol 4, Pg 122-123, last paragraph.

March 18

The details about "one's cultivation through the endeavors to engage and disengage one's body, mind and words" may differ from one guru to another. But the direction for "cultivation towards the object of priti or affection" (Krishna) is the primary objective of anyone in the position  of guru. Thus the encouragement for a particular service that we may receive from one guru may differ from what we receive from another. But, still,their aim is always one - to see their dependent advance along the path of saranagati. Without a clear vision of this ultimate goal, the impetus for service will become disoriented.
Collected Letters to Friends and disciples Vol 4, Pg 133, 3rd paragraph.

March 17

In his Durgama-sangamani commentary on Bhakati-rasamrita-sindhu, Srila Jiva Goswami has explained that the word anusilanam has two meanings. First, it means cultivation through the endeavors to engage and disengage one's body, mind and words. Second, it means cultivation towards the object of our priti, or affection, through manasi-bhava, the sentiments of the heart and mind. Although anusilana is of two types, the cultivation through manasi-bhava is included within cultivation by cesta, one's activities. Hence one's activities or endeavors (cesta) and one's internal sentiments (bhava) are mutually interdependent, and in the end it is the cesta which are concluded to be the sole characteristics of cultivation. Only when the activites of one's body, mind and words are favorably executed for the pleasure of Krishna is it called Bhakti.
Collected Letters to Friends and disciples Vol 4, Pg 132, 3rd paragraph.

March 16

Cultivation is the activity of hearing with faith that increases progressively through continued hearing and service (both being mutually interpendent). Our service has substance when we hear nicely and from that comes the inspiration that awakens and nourishes selfless devotion to Krishna.
Collected Letters to Friends and disciples Vol 4, Pg 132, 2nd paragraph.
