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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

February 11

I am constantly praying for the advancement and welfare of my disciples and dependents. When I answer a letter from you, I pray for realizations to dispel your dualities. When you come to speak with me, before coming, I pray that Krishna will help you, through me, to advance. When you are with me, I am praying for Krishna to appear in my words.
Collected Letters Written to Friends and Disciples Vol 4, Pg 34, 3rd Paragraph

February 10

Having witnessed and heard of her departure, this experience should become a source of internal reflection on the temporality of this material world and need to continue with our own preparations for our next life. Life is short and we should always aspire to make the best use of this body while we still have it.
Collected Letters Written to Friends and Disciples Vol 4, Pg 29, last Paragraph

February 9

We can never hope to receive any gift greater than the gift of Lord Krishna's heart. When the Lord gives His heart, the fear of loss of our attachments will never again enter our hearts. Whether we live or die becomes irrelevant, because we will possess the greatest attachment for all of eternity - love for Krishna. Nobody will ever take that away.
Collected Letters Written to Friends and Disciples Vol 4, Pg 28, 2nd Paragraph

February 8

I oftentimes give the example that the disciple must depend upon obtaing spiritual strength from a source beyond himself/herself. The spiritual master, who represents Lord Balarama, is carrying this strength on behalf of the disciplic succession. If we take shelter of his instructions and chant sincerely, we will receive the required strength to withstand the test of living in the material world. Ultimately, that same strength will transform into the ability to establish our relationship with Krishna, the ultimate solution to all the problems of material life.
Collected Letters Written to Friends and Disciples Vol 4, Pg 18, last Paragraph

February 7

Nothing goes unnoticed by Krishna when our conciousness is fixed Upon Him.
Collected Letters Written to Friends and Disciples Vol 4, Pg 16, 2nd Paragraph

February 6

Regarding your question about balancing internal and external activities so that neither suffers, the solution is to place your emphasis on your internal activities. This does not necessarily mean that you give your internal activities more time than your external activities. It simply means that you establish it as your topmost priority and don't deviate from your sadhana. By cultivating an attraction for your internal activities, you will be able to execute your external activities with less attachment. They must be performed, but simply as a matter of duty. You will not be dependant upon satisfaction from external activities because the satisfaction coming from your internal activities will be far superior. But if there is excessive attachment to external activities, then it will adversely affect everything else that you do, and both your internal and external activites will suffer.
Collected Letters Written to Friends and Disciples Vol 4, Pg 15, 2nd Paragraph

February 5

"One must be very responsible when making presentations to students or to non-devotees in general. We should be careful to not preach so heavily that it is too much for them to digest. I know many successful college preachers in the West who attracted many students to Krishna Conciousness by becoming their friend. In fact, I also developed a preaching strategy similar to this more than 20 years ago when I saw how successful Radhanath Swami was in attracting college students to become full-time devotees. First let them get some attraction to associating with devotees, learning about our basic philosphy, tasting Krishna prasadam, and everything else will natrually follow.
Collected Letters Written to Friends and Disciples Vol 4, Pg 14, 2nd Paragraph"

February 4

I have seen other devotees who experience this depression, and therefore I know how painful it must be—especially the feeling of loneliness and futility. Everyone needs to feel needed and wanted. It is natural to feel that way, because every living being exists for Krishna's pleasure. The problem is that without sufficient realization of Krishna, we cannot trust anyone who appears to either need us or want us. The long chain of exploitation is carried from one experience to the next in this material world. Frustration goes deep, and we can easily turn towards impersonalism if we are not careful. Our only choice is to turn to Krishina.You may ask, "How?" My answer is, "With deep prayer." Krishna wants only your love. He does not care about anything else. Just do something for Him. Chant for His pleasure. Pray for His pleasure. Hear His pastimes for His pleasure. Do not do these things because you have to do it. What comes in return cannot be compared to anything else within this entire cosmic manifestion. It is the experience of love that Krishna has for each and every one of His parts and parcels. If we want to experience this genuine love, we simply must offer something to Krishna with love.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Pg 198, last Paragraph)

February 3

Material solutions provide temporary relief, but, ultimately, they will always end in further suffering and entanglement. The intelligent person seeks solutions in Krishna consciousness. Krishna knows best how to fulfill our desires.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Pg 186, last Paragraph)

February 2

Regarding service for me, you should know that I expect my second initiated disciples to preach and to set a good example. By preaching, and, especially by setting a good example, you will be most effective in helping other disciples of mine either to come up to, or at least to maintain, the proper standards of behavior as a disciple. In other words, I expect my second-initiated disciples to inspire my disciples to remain fixed in Krishna consciousness. This is personal service to me, and it is the most important service you can render to me.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Pg 186, 2nd Paragraph)
