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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

January 1

A devotee feels peaceful when he is sheltered. Actually, a devotee feels more and more sheltered the more he sees how the Lord is acting in his day-to-day life. So many wonderful things are happening, but we are not doing it. We are simply the servant. We should be very, very careful and not think ourselves the doers.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Vol 3, Pg 118 2nd Paragraph)

December 31

There are many things which keep me going, one of which is the association of my godbrothers. There are many godbrothers of mine in this movement who really inspire me by their dedication to Srila Prabhupada's mission, their taste for chanting and hearing, the depth of their wisdom, and their wonderful devotional qualities. So, as you mentioned, Srila Prabhupada certainly is the fountainhead of our inspiration, and is the primary source of my inspiration as well. But to be honest, I see Srila Prabhupada in my godbrothers too. Actually, if I am really to be honest, I also see Srila Prabhupada in some of my godnephews and nieces. I know of some very dedicated devotees, with whom I am serving, and although they are not Srila Prabhupada's direct disciples, their commitment in serving his mission binds me into a loving commitment to assist them.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Vol 3, Pg 113 last Paragraph)

December 30

We must genuinely recognize the value of Krishna consciousness through our own internal experience if we want to distribute Krishna consciousness. Of course, by distributing Krishna consciousness and preaching, we get realization and conviction. This is the method by which Srila Prabhupada taught us to become Krishna conscious, but we should never neglect our sadhana and the cultivation of our internal life in the name of preaching. When our lives are balanced nicely in this way, we will have the strength to go on preaching. 
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Vol 3, Pg 106 last Paragraph)

December 29

Preaching requires strength. Preaching also requires faith. Without faith and the subsequent strength that one gets from surrendering, it is very difficult to go on preaching. As we mature in Krishna consciousness, it becomes more and more clear that preaching cannot continue on the external platform. Preaching is not an external engagement, simply accumulating scores and looking at results from an external point of view. If we want to be successful preachers, there must be an internal life as well. This will give us the conviction and strength required to distribute Krishna consciousness because we, ourselves, know the real value of Krishna consciousness.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Vol 3, Pg 106 2nd Paragraph)

December 28

Besides achieving perfection in Krishna consciousness, what I want most for my disciples is to see them happy in Krishna consciousness. I cannot be peaceful when I see others suffering— especially those who are depending upon their association with me to help relieve them from their suffering. So every time I see a disciple in less anxiety and more happy and positive about their progress in Krishna consciousness, it makes me happy.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Vol 3, Pg 101 1st Paragraph)

December 27

One should not keep a superficial relationship with the spiritual master. Personal association certainly helps; but hearing from the spiritual master builds the foundation for the personal association. I am therefore making every effort to increase my availability to my disciples by providing recorded material and written material for this association—especially considering that it is becoming increasingly more difficult for me to maintain such a rigorous traveling schedule as I have been accustomed to for the last 15 years.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Vol 3, Pg 99 3rd Paragraph)

December 26

It is not that the spiritual master cannot help his disciple by making some adjustment for him/her, but the disciple should not expect this from the spiritual master. The disciple's faith in the spiritual master should not be based upon his ability to make material arrangements for his disciples. Otherwise, there is really no meaning to this kind of relationship. The disciple's faith must be based upon the spiritual master's ability to dispel the influence of illusion. When faith in the spiritual master is based upon this type of relationship, then there is no material obstacle that cannot be overcome by the disciple.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Vol 3, Pg 98 last Paragraph)

December 25

By going out and distributing books, I was forced to be more outgoing and to start thinking about others. Gradually, I got a wonderful taste from distributing books. It took several years, but when the taste came, it gave me enough of a realization to know that that is where the taste was to be found. That spirit which I imbibed from distributing books carried me forward and brought me to the level of preaching, and I began experiencing that same taste from preaching as I got from distributing books. It gradually became more and more obvious to me that preaching was something that must be very pleasing to Srila Prabhupada. Otherwise, how could I feel so much spiritual satisfaction from it? From that time on, I just kept on preaching and, gradually, taking sannyasa came naturally as a result of my desire to preach more and more.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Vol 3, Pg 119 1st Paragraph)

December 24

"One way in which you can get the determination to go out and distribute books is by hearing. There are no obstacles if you have the desire. Although the mind will find excuses—because that is the nature of the mind—we simply have to become stronger and defeat all the excuses that the mind will offer with the strength of purified intelligence. If we have a strong desire to do something which is very pleasing to Guru and Krishna, then Krishna will help us to overcome the obstacles. However, if we try to overcome the obstacles by our own endeavors alone, we will always fail. We cannot be successful in such endeavors. A devotee always has to be dependent upon the mercy of the Lord. That is one of the symptoms of surrender.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Vol 3, Pg 118 3rd Paragraph)"

December 23

We should understand the teachings that Srila Prabhupada gave us in this life. This is the time of the year when devotees can get that opportunity to organize themselves in such a way to go out and do something that will please Prabhupada. We should take the opportunity; I guarantee that even if just once you experience this taste of pushing yourself to do something that is pleasing to Srila Prabhupada, you will never forget it.
