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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

December 2

"It is expected that there will be days when your sadhana will be affected by engagement in preaching activities. But this should always be an exception and should never become the standard. This is my humble request, which I am begging of you.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Vol 3, Pg 66, 1st Paragraph)"

December 1

Wherever you are, you must hear. Without hearing, you will lack inspiration to serve on the platform of vaidhi-sadhana-bhakti. Srila Rupa Goswami explains that on the spontaneous platform, the inspiration comes from one's spontaneous attraction to the service itself. On the platform of vaidhi-sadhana, the inspiration comes from the instructions of the spiritual master and from the scriptures. On both platforms of bhakti, there must be inspiration. If you are not hearing and not associating with those who are giving you inspiration, then you must seek it out.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Vol 3, Pg 60, last Paragraph)

November 30

Our sadhana bhakti must be executed with a desire to increase our bhakti. If we forget to execute our sadhana bhakti in this consciousness, then we must daily "hear" as well. Therefore, "every day" we must "practice" hearing, chanting, and remembering Krishna. Whatever other duty we may perform in accordance with the nine processes of bhakti is ultimately meant to culminate on this point—we must remember Krishna. On the platform of "practice", or sadhana bhakti, we must therefore "daily" practice remembering Krishna.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Vol 3, Pg 59, 2nd Paragraph)

November 29

We should not think that we can progress in devotional service if we are mechanical. Bhakti cannot be generated by a mechanical process. Bhakti is eternal, which means that it has no beginning and no end. Therefore, as Rupa Goswami described in the verse above, "Such devotion eternally exists within the heart of every living entity." What will "awaken" that devotion? By coming in contact with bhakti in the heart of a devotee, "our" bhakti is awakened. What will increase that bhakti? Continued association with bhakti.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Vol 3, Pg 59, 2nd Paragraph)

November 28

A preacher must have an internal life as well if he wants to continue to preach. This means we must always be trying to improve the quality of our chanting. We should chant with a serious desire to make progress in devotional service. We should be careful to not allow our chanting to become routine, ritualistic chanting. When we chant, we should chant with a desire to chant purely, without any offense, free from anarthas. This requires practice, and it must be practiced daily.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Vol 3, Pg 58 last paragraph )

November 27

Chanting is the most important process of the nine processes of bhakti. Certainly, preaching is chanting. Srila Rupa Goswami explains that there is nama-sankirtan, guna-sankirtan, and lilasankirtan. In other words, when we are preaching the glories of the holy name, the glories of Krishna's qualities, and the glories of the Lord's pastimes, that is also chanting.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Vol 3, Pg 58 last paragraph )

November 26

The most important thing is chanting the holy name. I strongly recommend that you read about and hear relevant instructions in relationship to chanting. This will give your own chanting a deeper meaning and provide you the nourishment required to chant with the proper attitude towards the holy name.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Vol 3, Pg 55, 2nd Paragraph)"

November 25

I have seen, all too often, people jumping into an artificially surrendered situation, without sufficient attachment to the association of sadhus, and motivated primarily to renounce a situation which they saw as a cause of their suffering. Certainly, suffering is an impetus to take to spiritual life. However, "spiritual life" means to cultivate an attachment for the holy name in the association of those who have some attachment. Spiritual life is not based simply upon renunciation of problematic material life.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Vol 3, Pg 54, 2nd Paragraph)

November 24

Devotees need to be inspired to remain steady in Krishna Consciousness, and one way of gaining inspiration comes from seeing others relishing Krishna consciousness. Because I genuinely relish being with my godbrothers, chanting with them, and discussing Krishna katha with them, this inspires many disciples who see these exchanges between my godbrothers and myself. I find that this is a wonderful way to inspire my disciples.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Vol 3, Pg 53, 4th Paragraph)

November 23

"That you now realize that your behavior was wrong and you are lamenting because of that behavior is the right attitude. This means that you are no longer blaming others for your own shortcomings. Lord Caitanya is pleased by this attitude, and if you can maintain it, He will give you His mercy. He will always accept an offering of love if His devotee repents for his/her past misbehavior.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Vol 3, Pg 52, 2nd Paragraph)"
