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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

October 28

A devotee offers Krishna service, choosing to perform those activities that cultivate a favorable relationship with Him. He seeks advancement and therefore meditates on how to improve himself. If we have a particular service to Krishna, if our meditation is to reject that service in order to accept another—because the service doesn’t please us—then that is not favorable to the cultivation of bhakti. “Favorable” means that we are doing those things that help increase our service attitude toward Krishna. As soon as we begin to calculate things according to what is favorable for ourselves, then we are no longer striving for pure bhakti. 
(Bhaktyaloka, Moscow,1.12.97)

October 26

Despite his/her not being exempt from distresses, a devotee of the Lord remains fortunate. Because a devotee understands the Lord's purpose behind the creation of this material world, whatever suffering a devotee undergoes in this life, he/she uses that as an impetus to make this the last life.

October 25

It is a reality that devotees are not exempt from sufferings. On the other hand it is also a reality that devotees' sufferings are purifying and push them to take shelter of Krishna's name, form, quality, pastimes and devotees. We sometimes feel helpless in our efforts to help devotees overcome life's upheavals. But for a devotee, these feelings of helplessness increase our awareness that Krishna is really our only shelter.

October 24

We may often hear statements about the necessity for being strict and undeviating on the path back home, back to Godhead, if one wishes to achieve success in spiritual life. Although this is true, Krishna is not such a rigid God. He is the most kind and forgiving. He knows our hearts and is influenced by the love and repentance in our hearts more than by our strict adherence to rules and regulations. Of course this should not be taken as an excuse to not follow rules and regulations. To not follow on that basis would be like trying to cheat Krishna, although really we would be cheating ourselves.

October 23

The characteristic of that which is spiritual, is eternal, full of knowledge, and full of pleasure. And the characteristic of that which is material is that it's temporary, full of ignorance and it's filled with suffering. Asat acit nirananda.

October 22

When one is conscious of the other's superior position there is some fear. Externally, it could be said that when there's fear, it inhibits the relationship. We tend to think that authority is someone who chastises. But there have to be friendly relationships too. The counselor system wasn't promoted to establish another authority for a devotee. It's meant to establish another friend. Someone who cares about the devotee. The devotee should feel, If something happens to me, my counselors will reach out to me, because they care about me. This kind of friendly relationship is needed by the devotees in Krishna conciousness.

October 21

The anarthas that are obstructing us from relishing the holy name are also obstructing us from relishing Sadhu Sanga. Attachment to those things that have no relationship to Krishna, the desire for recognition, and envy are some of these anarthas. 

October 20

For a counselor to be able to think of others' welfare before their own, first they must have shelter. This kind of selfless service doesn't manifest in a vacuum. It manifests when a devotee is also experiencing shelter from others doing the same service together,  pursuing the same goals together i.e they are trying to please Guru and Krishna.

October 19

Just like in Bhagavatam, Vidura realized that Krishna was thinking of him before His departure. Krishna instructed Uddhava who instructed Vidura and Vidura realized that in Krishna's instruction to Uddhava, He was actually thinking of him. This realization overwhelmed him with love: just to know Lord was thinking of him prior to His departure from this world. Likewise once we see that somebody is willing to make a sacrifice for us, it gives us shelter because we think that this person is thinking of me.

October 18

There is always a risk in preaching. The risk is that while preaching to neophyte if we are not strong then we can get dragged down. There are foolish and non-foolish risks. One should not take foolish risks.  If we are not strong in Krishna conciousness and we try to present ourselves as someone who is strong and take care of so many people, that is a foolish risk.  Better to get strong first. Strict sadhana and association with others who are strict gives us strength to help others. 
