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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

December 12

One of my favorite references is Srila Prabhupada's concluding words in Caitanya Caritamrta. In it, he has described how he feels that his spiritual master inspired him within the heart to produce these books. Srila Prabhupada emphasized the importance of his books for establishing the basis of this Krishna consciousness movement. And to continue to distribute his books for many generations to come is certainly the mission of those who call themselves his followers.

December 11

You have been given the holy name. There are many details which must be given for cultivating the quality of chanting and for progressing through the different stages of chanting. Those details are gradually being given as well. But why are the instructions on chanting more important than the details of one's specific relationship with Krishna? Because through chanting Krishna's holy names, all of these details are revealed by the holy name Himself. It is true that previously there was more emphasis on these details given by the spiritual master, but due to extensive abuse of this method by unqualified gurus and followers, Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur, and in his line, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur and Srila Prabhupada, have all placed far greater stress on the importance of offenseless chanting. (Collected Letters to My Disciples, Vol 3, Pg 95 last Paragraph)

December 10

Regarding the eternal relationship that exists between yourself and your spiritual master, that eternal relationship is based upon the eternal instructions I am giving to you, aimed at purifying your heart. There are many details yet to be given, but they cannot be given until the heart is clean enough to receive them. Therefore, the most important instruction of the spiritual master is to chant Hare Krishna offenselessly. (Collected Letters to My Disciples, Vol 3, Pg 95 last Paragraph)

December 9

I am present and I care for you—both. I may not initiate correspondence with you, send flowers or presents to you in the mail, or personally visit you to see how you are doing. But I try to express my care for my disciples by pushing the publication and distribution of my lectures and letters, so that those who want to feel the protection and care which I am offering, can get it through vani. Moreover, those who want it can also experience my care by experiencing it through those disciples of mine who do get to be with me more often and who personally witness just how much I care for my disciples. It is not possible to physically be available to everyone, considering that disciples are spread out all over the planet. I have no other means to say "I care" than by reaching out in this way.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Vol 3, Pg 94, last Paragraph)

December 8

In order for the disciple to increase his attachment and relationship to the spiritual master the disciple must be eager to hear his spiritual master's instructions as given in his lectures and books. The spiritual master is present in his instructions, and the more the disciple remembers these instructions in his day-to-day life, the more the disciple will feel the constant presence of the spiritual master on the spiritual platform.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Vol 3, Pg 93, 2nd Paragraph)

December 7

I am convinced that authority must be earned on the strength of one's spiritual assets, and not just one's managerial skills. It is on this basis that I have been emphasizing for years that my disciples should seek out devotees whom they can trust as counselors, and take spiritual guidance from them as well as from their temple authorities. In many cases, these devotees are not in managerial positions, but their ability to be trusted comes on the strength of their example and precepts, and not on the strength of a title.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Vol 3, Pg 89, 3rd Paragraph)

December 6

If a certain activity is performed without inspiration and without understanding its value, could it still be considered a service to God? We may not feel inspired and we may not understand the value of a particular activity, but that does not mean that the activity given to us is not service to Krishna. It may be service, if it was given to us by a devotee fixed in devotional service. But the value of that service can be determined in relation to the desire we have in our hearts to please that devotee. If the devotee is dear to us, and if he inspires us to take shelter in any one of the nine processes of devotional service, then pleasing that devotee will be something valuable to us. If it is valuable, we will naturally be inspired to perform the service.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Vol 3, Pg 87, 2nd Paragraph)

December 5

The real test that one has taken the association of one's spiritual master and has benefited from that association comes in one's ability to associate with those who are connected with his or her spiritual master. The example given in this connection is that if one is far from a large mountain, such as Mt. Everest, one will see only the mountain and not all the smaller hills, valleys, vegetation and variety that is associated with the larger mountain. But as one gets closer to the mountain, then one can see all that is in proximity to the mountain. Similarly, if all we can see and appreciate is the spiritual master, and cannot appreciate those who are more closely associated with the spiritual master, it means that we are still very far away. Those who are closer to him are those who have surrendered to molding their lives around the order of the spiritual master and teachings of the previous acaryas.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Vol 3, Pg 77, 3rd Paragraph)

December 4

Krishna consciousness is a dynamic experience, and if we are fortunate to have the association of devotees who are experiencing it, our faith will only increase more and more. Therefore, each day we should pray to have the necessary association to help us progress.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Vol 3, Pg 76, 3rd Paragraph)

December 3

Thank you for continuing to chant and for continuing to follow the vows you took at initiation. I am grateful that you have understood the importance of these vows. Sometimes when disciples live outside the temple, they become influenced by bad habits of non-devotees, and lose their enthusiasm for the spiritual practices which the spiritual master has requested his disciples to follow in order to remain strong against the allurements of maya. It is for this reason that I am spending so much energy to see that my lectures and books are available for my disciples. It is important that every devotee must seek out a source of spiritual nourishment and maintain connections with that source. Without this connection, it is very difficult to withstand the tests of maya.
(Collected Letters to My Disciples, Vol 3, Pg 71, last Paragraph)
