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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

September 25

This is the bottom line: The cause of happiness is knowing Krishna, and the cause of distress is forgetting Him. A devotee who has found the cause of happiness will want to share his enlightenment with others. He is willing to pay that price in order to increase his happiness—by increasing the happiness of the Lord. If we compare the price tag of Krishna consciousness to the price tag of flickering sense gratification, we will realize that our austerity is insignificant.
(BG 6.32 Moscow, 1.8.97)

September 24

What does it take to turn a living entity toward Krishna? It requires divine grace. Divine grace is distributed by Krishna’s devotees. To distribute this divine grace, the devotees preach. In this way, they try to help others turn to Krishna in the heart, knowing that as soon as they make that turn, Krishna will inspire them with remembrance of Himself. If we can awaken the conditioned souls from their spiritual sleep so that they turn to Krishna, then Krishna will help them come to Him. How will he help them? He will bring him to the lotus feet of guru.
(SB 4.23.12, Kishinyov, June 1996)

September 23

Our business in this world is not to look for our own satisfaction but to seek to please Krishna. Krishna will satisfy us Himself. Those who seek only their own satisfaction cannot unlock the mystery of real spiritual happiness. Therefore, they ask, “How can I preach? I am dissatisfied.” They forget what it is to try to please Krishna. Krishna clearly explains that anyone who tells others about Him automatically achieves devotional service. It is guaranteed.
(SB 4.23.12, Kishinyov, June 1996)

September 22

If we want to experience something we are not currently tasting in spiritual life, it is essential that we associate with real devotees. This is how we cultivate faith. Srila Prabhupada explains that faith is attained in the association of devotees. When we see that others are progressing in Krishna consciousness and becoming advanced, not caring for their personal needs but depending on Krishna, and preaching to others in a selfless way, we can become inspired to follow them. We realize that it is not by seeking our own spiritual satisfaction that we advance but by willingly giving whatever we have to others. 
(SB 4.23.12, Kishinyov, June 1996)

September 21

Sometimes devotees wonder, “How can we preach if we are not actually experiencing satisfaction in Krishna consciousness?” Sometimes they complain that they do not have the conviction to preach, since they are not experiencing Krishna consciousness themselves. How can we preach that Krishna consciousness is a joyful process when we are suffering? Those who express this concern often find their own ways to seek liberation. The desire for salvation is a subtle attachment left over from jnana or karma mixtures. If we find ourselves trying to avoid misery, it means we are in the bodily concept of life. It means we have not learned to find shelter in Krishna consciousness. 
(SB 4.23.12, Kishinyov, June 1996)

September 20

The Lord takes care of His devotees who are always absorbed in thoughts of Him and who glorify Him. Those devotees exist in this world by His grace. Practically speaking, only devotees can survive the material world. No one else can survive, because only a devotee can be peaceful and find shelter at Krishna’s lotus feet. All others, although existing, do not have a final goal in life, and live only for the fulfillment of a goal that cannot give them fulfillment. Survival must mean more than existing without meaning. Real survival means to exist for Krishna’s service. Such devotees will never die. They preach here and will continue to serve Krishna as He wishes upon giving up his mortal body.
(SB 4.23.12, Kishinyov, June 1996)

September 19

Liberated souls derive pleasure from Krishna-katha. Discussing topics about Krishna is not something performed only in the conditioned state. If someone were to wonder what happened when one achieves liberation, here is the answer: A liberated soul is interested in devotional love of God and engages in Krishna-katha.
(SB 4.23.12, Kishinyov, June 1996)

September 18

Srila Prabhupada writes, “The perfection of life depends on one’s inclination to hear about Krishna.” When Srila Prabhupada speaks about perfection, he is not speaking about the perfection of mystic or jnana-yoga. Whenever he uses the word perfection, we can know that he is speaking about perfection in terms of the ultimate goal. That goal—the topmost platform of existence— cannot be surpassed because there is nothing beyond that perfectional stage. Srila Prabhupada is stating specifically that if we do not have an inclination to hear about Krishna, we cannot achieve perfection.
(SB 4.23.12, Kishinyov, June 1996)

September 17

Let us give every breath of this life to this mission. Let us pray to our spiritual master and to Krishna to please give us the opportunity to try to serve. Let us preach as our spiritual master has preached. We will never compare as preachers to our spiritual master, but let us beg Krishna for the strength and desire to preach as our spiritual master has preached. His preaching saved us. We should go out and save others. With this mentality, we will increase the preaching of the Krishna consciousness movement.

September 16

All the Spiritual master wants of us is that we love Krishna, and He instructs us that the best way to do that is to give Krishna to others. All He wants is that what has been awakened in our heart should be given to others. He wants us to preach Krishna consciousness
