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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

August 26

If we offend the holy name, we can also receive forgiveness from the holy name, but first we must sincerely repent our offense. Along with feeling remorse, we must take shelter of a devotee who can tell us how to renew our faith by continuous chanting. By receiving both proper instruction and permission to vibrate the Lord’s name constantly, we will continue to water our creeper of bhakti despite our offense, and will learn to become dependent on the Lord’s name.
(Initiation - Kiev 11.15.2001)

August 25

When we use the word “self-control,” we do not mean that we become controllers exactly, but that we agree to be under Krishna’s control. The Bhagavad-gita describes the characteristics of the self-controlled: he withdraws his senses like a tortoise withdraws his limbs into its shell. Even though many rivers enter the ocean, the ocean remains unchanged. Similarly, a self-controlled person may experience many desires, but he remains unchanged by them. His basis of self-control is his trust that Krishna is supplying his necessities. Therefore, he can become fixed in his determination to surrender to Krishna.
(SB 4.11.11 Kaunas, September 1995)

August 24

Hearing the holy name includes hearing of the name’s glories. By hearing the name’s glories, we can gain a proper understanding of the holy name. If we don’t hear the name’s glories continuously, what understanding will we have when we go to chant it? Even if we were to continue chanting for a long time, our consciousness may not become purified. Without the right conception, we will not be able to maintain a proper attitude. Therefore, hearing of the holy name’s glories from the spiritual master is essential.
(Initiation - Kiev 11.15.2001)

August 23

When we think ill of others because of our own pride, we lose our ability to discriminate. We then lose our good sense and let our polluted thoughts come out of our mouths. We often know we shouldn’t be speaking something, but we say it anyway. There is no place for such behavior in Vaishnava sanga. If we have any good sense left in us, we’ll immediately repent our sharp tongue. That repentance is our only hope. If we don’t repent, we become degraded.
(SB 4.11.11 Kaunas, September 1995)

August 18

One of the symptoms of bhakti is sarvopadhi vinirmuktam tat paratvena nirmalam: all material designations are destroyed. Those who are advanced in devotional service are free from attachment to material designations. They do not consider themselves superior to others because they have a position over them. Rather, they consider others their superiors. In this way, an advanced devotee actually becomes superior to others. He shows his superiority by his humble dealings, not by the external label he wears.

August 17

When we think that advancement in spiritual life means being recognized by being offered a position, we are in trouble. Position is a symbol of status, and if we are neophytes, we will take it not as an opportunity to increase our service to the Vaishnavas but as a sign that we are superior to them.There are symptoms of spiritual advancement, but attaining a position is not one of them. Rather, positions are based on material designations, and in that sense, they are worthless.

August 16

A kanistha-adhikari measures the advancement of others by material standards because he is still in the bodily concept of life. Since devotional qualities cannot be measured by material standards, a kanistha-adhikari is unable to appreciate advanced devotees. Some kanistha-adhikaris have material qualifications— they may know how to do something that is useful in devotional service well by material standards—but the kanistha-adhikari mistakes this expertise for spiritual qualification. When he sees others with less knowledge of that material aspect, he considers them inferior.

August 15

The Krishna consciousness movement is meant to facilitate forward spiritual progress. It is not meant to be an institution where we push everyone down. When we are envious, we push others down because we think it is the only way we can push ourselves forward.

August 14

A devotee is always the servant of other devotees. If we say we can’t find anyone more advanced than ourselves to serve, we had better look at our problems and understand our true position. Do we have the characteristics of an advanced devotee? Best to seek out faults at the source: our own hearts. Then we will be able to see how others are so much better than ourselves and will push aside the tendency to find fault with them.

August 13

Those who have to point out the fault should understand that it is also their duty to advance in Krishna consciousness. This requires they also see's the good in others. If they cannot see the good in others, a Vaishnava should not point out their faults. Otherwise, they will not be able to correct others with beneficience. If we wish to improve our critical mentalities, we should associate with those who have learned to see the good in others. We should not only associate with them, we should serve them, praying to develop their qualities.
