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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

July 23

It is difficult to be in an opulent position: opulence leads to false pride. Pride creates danger for us. Therefore, sometimes devotees find themselves impoverished because it enables them to remain humble and to become dependent upon Krishna. When we are surrounded by opulence, we think we have power, control, so what need do we have to depend on God? We think ourselves self-sufficient. Then we think we do not want to see anyone superior to ourselves. This mentality is, of course, one of the characteristics of demons.
 (SB 4.30.12-13)

July 22

What does Krishna do for a purified devotee? He glorifies him. The devotee does not want glorification, but glorifying the devotees gives Krishna pleasure. He wants to show the world, “Just see the qualities of My devotees! I want the whole world to see their qualities. My devotees don’t want recognition but pure love!” Therefore, Krishna arranges for the world to recognize them. While the world recognizes the true qualities of the devotees, the devotees remain meek and humble. This is a principle of surrender.

(Unknown lecture source)

July 21

Krishna sees everything. He knows every desire that exists within us even better than we know them ourselves. He knows exactly what we are thinking and why. He knows exactly what motivates us.When Krishna sees we are motivated by the desire for prestige, He gives us what we want. But we won’t get Him because we didn’t want Him. We will be unable to capture Krishna’s attention by our desire for recognition. When He sees that we are not motivated by a desire for personal recognition but by devotion, then we gain His attention.
(unknown lecture)

July 20

In the Katha Upanishad, it is said that pure intelligence cannot be attained by argument. Therefore, argument is described as prajalpa. Both argument and debate are ways to discuss. Arguments are created alone, and debates are engaged in by many. Argument means counteracting whatever we hear. When someone says black, we must say white. To be successful, it requires a challenging attitude. In spiritual life, a challenging attitude is symptomatic of pride: we always want to establish our own arguments as truth. But dry arguments are inconclusive.
(Bhaktyaloka Odessa, July 1999)

July 19

Srimad Bhagavatam 6.4.31 describes how the Lord inspires material arguments within the hearts of those who wish to engage in them. Therefore, such persons continue to argue about material forms, illusions, and mistakes and never reach any conclusion. Since these topics cannot be resolved, people who argue them become progressively disappointed and their minds remain disturbed, their hearts hard. It is not possible for such persons to solve their arguments because there are no solutions in the material world. The only solution to material life is Krishna consciousness. Those who take to Krishna consciousness find their tough hearts softening. That is because they have accepted the conclusion presented by the mahajanas.
(Bhaktyaloka Odessa, July 1999)

July 18

We should not be attached to reading newspapers, because they are filled with godless talk. They discuss only politics, death, birth, old age, and suffering. The topics contained in newspapers never make the heart peaceful. Similarly, when we read mundane literature, our hearts do not become peaceful. Rather our minds will always be agitated and we will want to talk about the subjects we have read. Such discussions often lead to argument, but the arguments have no conclusion, because there is no siddhanta. When we actually come to siddhanta, our minds can find shelter in Krishna. Otherwise, our minds will always be disturbed. Godless talks simply agitate the mind.
(Bhaktyaloka Odessa, July 1999)

July 17

The result of hearing and chanting in the association of Vaishnavas is the awakening of the desire to serve Krishna—the spontaneous desire, not the forced or repressed duty. The desire to serve Krishna is natural to the heart. It only has to be brought out. And the catalyst that can do that is hearing and chanting.
(SB 1.12.54 Minsk, 3.23.1991)

July 16

The Krishna consciousness movement is meant to facilitate Vaishnava association. We should keep that objective in mind. Why are we each associating with devotees? Because our ultimate objective is to attain Krishna. If we reflect, most of us will find that we joined the Krishna consciousness movement for this facility and because we found the Krishna conscious process so attractive.
(SB 1.12.54 Minsk, 3.23.1991)

July 15

Why is the sadhu peaceful? Because he remembers Krishna. If we see everything in relation to Krishna’s mercy, we too will be peaceful. This kind of peace is natural and self-manifesting. It helps a devotee persevere through all difficulties.
(SB 1.12.54 Minsk, 3.23.1991)

July 14

It is easy to regulate ourselves if we think of Krishna’s pleasure in everything we do. Our rising time is determined by His rising time. Similarly, our eating schedule should be arranged around Krishna’s eating schedule. We are meant to cook for Krishna’s pleasure and not to please ourselves. Then we are meant to offer what we have cooked to the Deity. Krishna kindly eats at the same time every day. We can regulate our eating around His offerings so that we are always honoring His prasadam. We should not think, “I’m not hungry, so why should I cook?” We are not cooking for ourselves but for Krishna. Only those under the influence of the material modes will cook only when they are hungry.
(SB 1.12.54 Minsk, 3.23.1991)
