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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

June 13

There are various guidelines to help motivate us to rise to a higher standard in our behavior. At the same time, we hear frequently that when one becomes a devotee of Krishna, one automatically develops all good qualities. Therefore, we must find the balance between these two understandings. The balance lies in the words “becoming a devotee.” We must first become an actual devotee; then all good qualities will manifest.
(SB 3.29.18, Krasnodar, June 1996)

June 12

One symptom of a genuinely humble soul is that he sees all living entities as potential servants of Krishna. Therefore he always tries to fan the spark of their Krishna consciousness.
(SB 3.29.9, Dnepropetrovsk, June 1996)

June 11

If we think, “Let me be humble so others can see how humble I am,” we should know that we are experiencing false humility. It’s simple to understand. If we were truly humble, we wouldn’t care whether someone saw us being humble or not. We would simply always be thinking of accepting everything as the Lord’s mercy because we would have firm faith that the Lord knows everything about us. We would not feel the need to prove anything—including our humility—to anyone.
(SB 3.29.9, Dnepropetrovsk, June 1996)

June 10

Sometimes it seems that when we associate with devotees, we lose our desire to practice spiritual life. It is not that the devotees make us lose our desire; it is because we have offended devotees. If we offend the devotees, our desire to become devotees will disappear. Therefore, we must be very careful not to commit offenses if we do not wish to lose the association of devotees. There is nothing more dangerous in this world than being devoid of the association of devotees.
(SB 3.29.9, Dnepropetrovsk, June 1996)

June 9

Another reason (one is that is pleasing to Srila Prabhupada) why the distribution of Srila Prabhupada’s books is important is because it is meant for the ultimate enlightenment and welfare of the whole human society. This was a method that Srila Prabhupada gave us for our own self-purification, and for our own progress and advancement in spiritual life – it was the process of distributing Krishna consciousness through distribution of Krishna’s Holy Name and distribution of transcendental literature.

June 8

Usually we want success just so we can be recognized by others. If we are recognized by others, it will increase our sense of prestige, and that is our motivating force.  The desire for recognition is pride. So let us use our intelligence to control our pride. Let us actually be satisfied in service itself, in the desire to please guru and Krishna, and not look for outward recognition. Prahlada Maharaja states that without the desire to render sincere devotional service, everything else we do is simply a show. 
(April 29,2001, Kiev)

June 7

We should hear the offenses as if they were warning signs. Like the caution signs on the road  warn us of the sharp turns and sudden bumps on the road. We may think that all we have to do is remain on the road, but if you miss the signs that indicate curves, we might drive straight and fall off the road. So, we have to pay attention to stay on course. Similarly if you want to maintain your taste in devotional service, continue chanting but don’t ignore the ten offenses. Hearing the offenses recited should make us cautious about commiting them.  This will help us travel a smoother road.
(SB 3.29.9 Dnepropetrovsk, June 1996)

June 6

To chant properly, we have to control the mind and senses, we have to listen attentively to the sound vibration, and we have to focus our minds on Krishna. 
(SB 4.30.3 Belgium, May 1990)

June 5

During our japa, we have been given the opportunity to associate directly with the Lord! Such an experience is available to us, yet we turn our chanting into a thoughtless ritual, simply
moving our fingers on the beads for two hours a day to make sure we get them done. We think the pinnacle of success is that we have finished our rounds! Our success is not to complete our rounds but to remember Krishna. Chanting therefore has to be a conscious and deliberate practice to worship the Lord. Don’t reduce it to a ritual. We will not go back to Godhead by fulfilling obligations.
(SB 4.30.3 Belgium, May 1990)

June 4

Devotional service is not simply a ritual we perform to become purified. We actually have to see its connection with becoming Krishna conscious. The essence of all the rules and regulations is to remember Krishna. We think that simply by following rules and regulations, we can achieve success. The fact is, anyone who follows the rules and regulations without understanding that the purpose behind them is to remember Krishna is wasting his time. We may perform so many duties, but if they don’t evoke attraction for constant remembrance of Krishna, then we are simply wasting our time.
(SB 4.30.3 Belgium, May 1990)
