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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

June 3

A devotee does not glorify the Lord to flatter Him but to honestly praise Him. Devotees have no illusions about God’s nature. Being situated in knowledge, they realize that God is great and they are tiny, that He is supreme and they are His servants. This is just the way it is. It is absolute truth and cannot be changed. When we try to change it, we must enter into illusion. For those who do not choose illusion, praising Krsna is spontaneous.
(SB 1.8.29 Boston, January 1998)

June 2

Sometimes we see Vaisnavas who externally appear impoverished or materially unfortunate, and we are amazed at how peaceful they are at heart. Their peace comes from taking advantage of their suffering to constantly remember Krsna. Devotees can be happy in any condition.
(SB 1.8.29 Boston, January 1998)

June 1

A devotee should develop full confidence that if he remembers the Lord in all circumstances, whether he is experiencing happiness or distress, in heaven or hell—whatever condition of life—he will be safe. Thus, we are always anxious to find shelter in Krishna consciousness and praying for the opportunity to hear and chant about and remember the Lord, and to render devotional service.
(SB 4.17.28 Rostov, June 1996)

May 31

The living entity, attempting to enjoy matter through his particular field of activities (the body), shows that by nature he is meant to experience pleasure. The spiritual world is full of unlimited happiness, found in the unlimited varieties of experience. Unfortunately,the living entity's pleasure-seeking impulse pushes him to seek pleasure in matter, where it is not ultimately available—this world being the reflection of spirit. When he hears about the variety of enjoyment available in spiritual life, and that to attain it one must restrict himself from material pleasure, a materialist cannot understand. It is inconceivable to him that renunciation can give him access to a greater pleasure.
(SB 3.26.6 Novosibirsk, 11.15.1996)

May 30

If a person is very sick and has a high fever, he doesn't think about eating rich, opulent food. Rather he thinks "Which medicine and precautions can cure me?" and then follows whatever is necessary to make that medicine effective so he can regain his strength. Similarly, if a devotee remains humble, even though he may lose his taste or give up chanting Hare Krishna due to some weakness of heart, but if he is very careful and doesn't blaspheme any living entity for his misfortune, then in due course of time, he will achieve his position again.

May 29

One can't be independent in this world because, although the living entity is complete, he is only complete when he is connected to the Lord. And if there is no connection to the Lord, he is always incomplete. And unless one is complete, he can't be independent.

May 28

The process of surrender is an ongoing process. We should never foolishly think we have surrendered once and for all. This pride can become the greatest obstacle on our path. Surrender is not something that occurs at a particular point in time; it is a way of life. Krishna says, “As they surrender unto Me, I reward them accordingly.” Surrender, followed by Krishna’s reciprocation, is an ever-increasing process. Therefore, we must always feel the impetus to continue the surrendering process and then take every opportunity to take shelter of the Supreme Authority. That is the only way we will receive the Lord’s full protection.
(SB 4.17.28 Rostov, June 1996)

May 27

Sometimes neophyte devotees begin to think, “Where is the pleasure in Krsna consciousness? I have to do the same thing every day! Every day I have to get up for mangala-arati, attend guru-puja, hear Bhagavatam class, and perform my service—the same service. This is what happens when we begin to think there is no variety in spiritual life. We begin to look for variety in matter, being attracted to the apparent enjoyment that materialists are experiencing. If we are in this enjoying consciousness and focusing that enjoyment on matter, it will be very difficult for us to understand the Supreme Lord’s appearance and pastimes, and it will be especially difficult to understand the pleasure of spiritual life. There is great pleasure to be felt in simply discussing Krsna’s activities.
(SB 3.26.6 Novosibirsk, 11.15.1996)

May 26

A devotee who accepts the shelter of the Supreme Lord will always be assured of His protection at all times. Krsna says, “Declare it boldly, Arjuna: My devotee will never be vanquished.” Therefore, sheltered at Krsna’s lotus feet is the safest position to accept. We should not look for shelter in the material world.

(SB 4.17.28 Rostov, June 1996)

May 25

We may say, “If that’s all I have to do to free myself from this world—understand Krsna’s appearance and activities— then that’s simple.” But only those who feel love for Krsna can understand His nature. One who can fully understand why Krsna appears in this world will never be able to forget Him. Rather, he will become absorbed in discussing the Lord’s appearance and pastimes. Theoretical understanding is not enough.
(SB 3.26.6 Novosibirsk, 11.15.1996
