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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

July 3

It is through the association of advanced devotees that the secrets of the holy name become revealed to us and we are able to think more seriously about chanting.
(Moscow 5.1.2001)

July 2

Srila Prabhupada explains that the most important instruction the spiritual master gives is that we chant the Lord’s name. All the profound secrets of Krishna consciousness and devotional service will be revealed through faithful chanting. However, we have to chant with the intention to become free of anarthas and to attain the pure name. We should know that time is passing. How much progress are we making in our chanting? As we realize that we are not actually making any progress, then we should take Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s advice and seek out the association of devotees who are making progress in their chanting. Without such association, it will be difficult for us to come to the platform of namabhasa, what to speak of suddha-nama.
(Moscow 5.1.2001)

July 1

Loving relationships are developed when we care for one another. When a devotee sees another devotee caring for him, he naturally feels love for that devotee. In this way, loving relationships are expanded. That means we have to recognize the care others are giving us. If we are too self-centered to appreciate someone’s love, association, and encouragement, then the love cannot expand.
(Istaghosti Boston, April 1995)

June 30

Devotees sometimes mention that they feel incomplete and they begin to look for something to fill in the hole. What makes us complete, however, is our full connection to the Supreme Lord. Krishna is the complete whole, and when we are connected to Him fully, we will feel complete in ourselves. Serving Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s preaching mission helps us feel the connection. Therefore we should be anxious to know what we can do to serve the preaching. How can we serve the mission? We may not know. We must accept the preaching order as it comes down to us in disciplic succession.
(Istaghosti Boston, April 1995)

June 29

It is a preacher’s duty to serve the holy name by spreading its glories. While spreading the name’s glories, we are also supposed to cultivate an atmosphere of faith. We must first preach the holy name’s glories, and by such preaching inspire others’ faith. They will become attracted to the chanting by our own attraction to it, by our own faith, and will want to make Krishna the goal of their lives too. We are meant to inspire them that if they take to the chanting, they will be able to attain Krishna, who is the goal of life.
Moscow 5.1.2001)

June 28

Krishna notices the devotees who sacrifice to serve Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s mission. That mission is meant to expand the Lord’s glories and to care for others in Krishna consciousness. When a devotee asks, “How can I take part in the effort to expand the Lord’s glories? What sacrifices can I make?” then Krishna cares for him and he feels sustained.
(Istaghosti Boston, April 1995)

June 27

Please know that the holy name contains everything. The Lord’s holy name is our life. We are meant to perform our devotional service in relation to the holy name. All our progress is gauged against our relationship with the Holy Name. Srila Prabhupada taught us that we were actually servants of Krishna’s Holy Name. We render service to the holy name by chanting it with love and distributing its glories. 
(Moscow 5.1.2001)

June 26

If we want to sustain ourselves in spiritual life, we cannot think only of ourselves. The way to sustain ourselves in spiritual life is to think how to care for others. When we care for others, Krishna takes care of us. When we think we will take care only of ourselves, we don’t feel cared for. And real sustenance comes when Krishna takes care of us.
(Istaghosti Boston, April 1995)

June 25

The attitude that we want to become free of offenses when we approach the holy name—that attitude alone—will allow us to make progress in our chanting. Therefore, we say there is no difference between Krishna and His holy name except that the holy name is more forgiving—if we have the proper attitude.
(Moscow 5.1.2001)

June 24

We cannot attract others to Krishna consciousness by an external show of devotion. Even if we try to behave like devotees, our imitation will not have the same effect. We have to actually become devotees.
(SB 3.29.18, Krasnodar, June 1996)
