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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

May 24

If we want the Lord’s protection, we must surrender ourselves to His authority. In the material world we tend to challenge authority; but a devotee accepts the Lord’s authority and remains submissive.
(SB 4.17.28 Rostov, June 1996)

May 23

Since we can understand that we are trapped within the three modes, we can know that all our activities began at the point when we embraced material consciousness. At that moment, we began to center all our thoughts and desires around bodily consciousness, which is the sphere or field of activity. We do not see activity beyond the physical plane, and we no longer have access to the spiritual world. Only by submitting to spiritual authority can we regain access to the spiritual world when we are in material consciousness.
(SB 3.26.6 Novosibirsk, 11.15.1996)

May 22

Spiritual competition means, you always want the other devotee to do more, to do better. Although you'll try extremely hard to do the best you possibly can, you'll always be pleased when you hear that somebody does better. Because it's for Krishna. Why shouldn't we be pleased if somebody does more than I do? Why shouldn't we be pleased when somebody distributes more books than I can distribute? Prabhupada is pleased!

May 21

No one can order another to listen to his or her instructions, but we can attract people to Krishna by our nonenvious dealings with one another and with the nondevotees. We can be prepared for people to approach us by increasing our scriptural knowledge and being prepared to speak truthfully and sastrically, without duplicity. Attaining these qualities is the real ladder of success in Krishna Consciousness not the external designations.

May 20

We can recognize a real brahmana by his or her dealings with others. We cannot base our judgment simply on external designations. Those who wish to take brahminical initiation should think about how they can come closer to the spiritual master to more intimately serve his mission of sheltering conditioned souls. We cannot force shelter upon conditioned souls, but by our own perfect behavior, we can encourage them to respect what we are doing and to begin to desire the peace a Vaishnava brahmana feels.

May 19

Why must a brahmana be free of envy? Because envious persons are also proud. They cannot see the good qualities in others, nor can they see Krishna in everyone’s heart. This vision is essential to brahminical life, because it is the duty of brahmanas to teach. How can one who cannot see Krishna in the hearts of others and only sees their bad qualities preach to them? This is especially damaging if they cannot see the good qualities in the devotees.

May 19

There are devotees who think that coming closer to the spiritual master means getting the opportunity to put on His shoes. But how many disciples can put on the guru’s shoes at one time? Becoming close to the spiritual master means understanding His heart, always meditating on His mission, and serving accordingly.

May 18

How do we know when we are receiving our guru’s mercy? We come to know His heart by always meditating upon His order. That’s what it means to understand the heart of spiritual master. The spiritual master desires to give us Krishna. If we understand this, we have received some of His mercy.

May 17

Therefore, we say vapuh is important because it helps us develop the ability to follow vani. Vapuh is given, however, by the spiritual master’s mercy. We cannot demand it. By guru’s mercy we receive His association.

May 16

When we are blessed by vapuh we should take advantage of it to hear. Then, when the spiritual master is not present before us, we can act upon what we have heard. When the spiritual master returns, our relationship with him will have deepened based on our submissive following.
