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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

April 25

Subordination to devotees is the proper utilization of independence. Even Krishna shows Himself, how wonderful it is to be subordinate to His devotee. All His pastimes are but the manifestation of this principle.

April 24

If we are not careful and become a little familiar, or begin to neglect the chanting, thinking that it is something that we do in our spare time and that the most important activities are those which will fulfill our economic security, then we have to expect that there will be some consequence. We may be able to continue for some time, but in due course of time, the cumulative effect of that neglect of the Holy Name of the Lord will manifest itself. So we should always be careful to understand the primary importance of chanting.

April 23

Chanting is not subsidiary to anything. Chanting Hare Krishna is the very foundation of our life.

April 22

"Even though material nature smashes you again and again, you still know there is nothing else besides association with devotees and Krishna consciousness." That kind of underlying conviction has to be there in the heart of everyone,  and that conviction comes from surrendering to Krishna - even if just for a moment.

April 21

Everybody wants to feel stable and secure, because it’s our nature to feel that way. It's our nature to feel and to be sheltered, but the real shelter is only in surrendering to the Lotus feet of the Lord.

April 20

Even a moment of surrender to Krsna can actually have a permanent impact on a living entity’s eternal life. That is the power of devotional service.

April 18

Krishna wants us to offer something to Him with love. The characteristic of love is when you want to do something to please the beloved. There is no piece of paper involved in the transaction, nor is there any personal consideration in the offering. When something is offered with love, then the person is not thinking about getting anything in return. That is the symptom of love, and to experience that love is real freedom.

April 19

Prabhupada showed by his life, by his example, by his words, by everything, that he was fully dedicated to serving and pleasing Krishna. Such a devotee of the Lord is so dear to Krishna; and whenever you do something for such a devotee, Krishna will take notice. Krishna even says, 'Don't give to Me, give it to him because he knows how to use everything for Me."

April 17

We should serve the guru by following his instructions.
Srila Prabhupada gives the example that if the spiritual master asks for a glass of water and we think, “Let me bring him a glass of milk,” then we aren’t serving properly. A disciple may think he is serving by bringing the milk, because milk is better than water, but if we actually want to render service to the spiritual master, we will simply do as he asks. That’s the definition of service. By rendering service in such a way, we come closer to understanding the guru’s heart and thus closer to the spiritual master.
(Lecture SB 4.2.21, Moscow 10.27.1996)

April 16

We may not always be capable of distinguishing truth from imagination when we hear others say things like, “Oh, I see Krishna! I know Krishna! Every night, Krishna comes to my bedroom and talks to me before I go to sleep.” We may think such persons are advanced. The real test of advancement however, is what Prabhupada taught by his own example: Right up to his last breath, he remained a servant of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. Until his last breath he meditated on his Guru Maharaja’s mission to give Krishna consciousness to the world. That is the example we should follow.
(Lecture SB 4.2.21, Moscow 10.27.1996)
