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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

March 7

According to Vaishnava etiquette, a Vaishnava is someone who is always wants to please the Supreme Lord and who never wants to obstruct anybody else's efforts to please the Supreme Lord.

March 7, 2007, Hartford

March 5

A  man may be thinking of how he can provide for his family or a government leader may be thinking of how he can provide for his people, or a philanthropist may be thinking of how he can provide for the needs of human society. Thinking in this way he is always trying to adopt measures to mitigate the distress of the sufferings of others. However, Krishna so perfectly designed the material world that there can't be mitigation of distress, there can't be release from material nature until one gives happiness to Him first and foremost.

March 5, 1991, Moscow

March 4

So, the devotee who is situated on the transcendental platform should not be engaged in any kind of diplomatic relations, but should always try to deal honestly and be straight-forward with anyone, so much so that he can 'disclose the real truth, even to an enemy'. His simplicity is based upon his dependence upon the Lord.

BG 3.8 -12

March 3

So that’s our qualification if we want to obtain empowerment. We have to feel ourselves unqualified and dependent upon those who are qualified. And part of our daily sadhana is to pray to them. To pray to them that "Please, You reveal Your desires to me, please reveal my service, please give me purity in purpose." So that is our qualification: realizing our lack of qualification.

March 3, 2008, Govardhana,

March 2

To the degree that we actually have realization, then we can give up sense gratification.

One will have to begin to experience a high satisfaction in devotional service, if he truly wants to achieve a state of renunciation.  

March 2, 1991, Mayapur

March 1

And therefore one who actually hears and understands the full glories of Hare Krishna maha mantra will never remain indifferent toward chanting the Hare Krishna maha mantra,  because he will know that this is Cintamani – the most valuable jewel. Because it can fulfil all of one's desires, adll at once.  We may have experienced that we have desires and even when they get fulfilled, we may have another one that may get fulfilled or that may not get fulfilled. We may have some desire to achieve something or we have desire to avoid distress. But what is that one desire that upon being completely fulfilled satisfies all other desires? That we should know. We should know actually what we should desire.

March 1, 2009, Taichung, Taiwan

February 28

In Vraja dhama there is very small group confidential associates of the Lord, but in audharya dham,  there  the storehouse lock is broken and the mercy of the Holy Name is distributed and made available to everyone. So this is a very special place to get the mercy of Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda.

February 28, 2004, Mayapur

February 27

Patience is such that a devotee should be thinking that either now, or maybe ten years from now, or next birth or hundreds of births, whatever it may be, "I must receive the mercy of the Lord."   One who has this faith will go on executing his service with firm faith and that is what invokes the reciprocation of the Lord and the Lord becomes very much inclined by that devotion.  He becomes a prisoner in the heart of that devotee who has firm faith. 

Ottawa, Canada 1997

February 26

So either we accept anxiety to protect our own material attachments or we accept anxiety for Krishna's pleasure. So to satisfy Krishna, a devotee is willing to accept disturbances and those disturbances actually become an impetus for his own satisfaction because Krishna wants to see how a devotee is accepting austerities to please Him and when He sees that devotee accepting austerity for His pleasure, then the Lord reciprocates. How does He reciprocate? He reciprocates by gradually revealing Himself to that devotee.

February 26, 2004, Mayapur

February 25

So how did [Lord Caitanya] teach by His own example how to always think of Krishna? The way he was absorbed in the mood of the topmost devotee of Goloka Vrindavan – Srimati Radharani. He was Krishna Himself, but He assumed the mood of Radhika. Therefore what was He doing? He was always chanting the names of Krishna.

February 25, 2004, Mayapur
