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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

February 4

If we actually want to understand Srimad Bhagavatam, we actually have to hear from proper sources and there must also be the proper discipline. Both things must be there, not just simply the reading. So even though someone may read first canto all the way though the tenth canto, they may not make a single bit of advancement unless the proper discipline is also there. That discipline also must be learned by accepting a spiritual master.

February 4, 1997, Bryansk

February 3

One who is genuinely humble does not think of his own honor, he only thinks of how to glorify the Lord and in all of his activities he is thinking how the Lord can become recognized and how the spiritual master can be glorified and can be given credit for any activity performed by him.

BG 3.8 -12

February 2

So that confidential knowledge of the Supreme Personality of Godhead can be revealed within the heart of that person who qualifies himself for that confidential knowledge. And such confidential knowledge of pure unalloyed devotional service can not be so easily explained for such persons who don’t have that qualification.

February 2, 1998, Moscow

February 1

So you should begin chanting in this spirit not as some ritual. Chant with faith that Krishna is present in His name and He is listening to the sincerity of your chanting. If He sees that you really want to remember Him, He will appear to you in His name, and He will appear to you in your mind. Relief is as close as your desire to remember Him always.

February 1, 1997, Letter

January 31

There is no potency if one is not strict within. It’s simply a show. One can’t be potent in trying to convince others if he is not following himself.

January 31, 1998, St Petersburg

January 30

So the Lord agrees to come. Devotees bring Him; by their desire to bring the Lord, He agrees to come. He manifests Himself in sound.

January 30, 2012, Vitebsk

January 29

Maya is acting in two ways. She is acting to push us down, and keep us down. But she is acting in that way so that we actually can develop determination, because anybody knows that if we want to build some strength, there has to be some resistance.

January 29, 2012, Minsk

January 28

Nobody can do it. We can not make decisions to satisfy everybody and expect to satisfy everybody. We have to make those decisions which are best for Krishna's service, and therefore sometimes people feel that you are not taking them into consideration and they will go on attack. They will oppose your decisions (…) but the important thing is that you have to learn how to coexist with these people.

1986 – 1989 Darshan

January 27

A devotee should always try to speak from his platform of realization, and if he has great conviction in what has nourished him in his Krishna consciousness, even if that may not be a particular aspect of another person’s nourishment,  still that conviction is contagious. And that conviction will help the other person to increase his faith in the process of devotional service.

January 27, 2008, Pune Yatra

January 26

No one becomes purified by the association of such persons who are proud, in a position of false prestige, thinking themselves to be a brahmana.  Whereas even if a person is born into family of candalas, if he’s a devotee, then immediately he’s considered to be on a far superior platform than a proud brahmana in a position of false prestige.  So it was on that basis that Srila Prabhupada expanded the Krishna Conscious movement. 

( Unknown time and place. Caitanya Caritamrita)
