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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

August 12

How does a Vaishnava tolerate? He sees Krishna in everything. If Krishna is present everywhere, there is no reason to be disturbed. If someone points out a small fault in us, we should be willing to look within ourselves and see if that fault exists. We should not be proud or defensive.

August 11

Those who find fault out of envy are victims of excessive pride. Such persons cannot see Krishna in the hearts of others.They cannot see the potential spark of Krishna consciousness that exists in all living entities. It is helpful to the envious to find faults in others; it gives him the opportunity to avoid the faults in himself. Those who are envious cannot see the good. Instead of magnifying whatever good is present, the proud magnify others’ faults.

August 10

Devotees are meant to plant their feet firmly in the realization that there is no other shelter but Krishna. Everything else is temporary. If we want real shelter, a solid ground, then we must turn to full dependence on Krishna. Krishna promises to protect the surrendered soul. What could be more solid than Krishna’s promise?
(Nectar of Sankirtana)

August 9

The Lord is expert at placing His devotees in helpless, dependent conditions. Sometimes devotees becomes artificially dependent on their material circumstances, comfortable and complacent, but Krishna is expert at pulling the rug out from underneath us. As soon as we think we are on solid ground with our position, assets, and other comforts, Krishna pulls out the rug. If we are too attached to external arrangements, then when Krishna pulls the rug out, we will clamor for everything we just lost. But the real success we should be seeking, is to increase our attachment to Krishna—to satisfy the Lord.
(Nectar of Sankirtana)

August 8

There is no material formula that can make us successful in our spiritual endeavors. We have to cross beyond the boundary that makes us think that material formulas bring spiritual results.
(Nectar of Sankirtana)

August 7

Helpless doesn’t mean unenthusiastic or not determined. Actually, it means the opposite. We know we do not achieve results in Krishna consciousness by our own efforts, and in that sense we are helpless and dependent.  Therefore a devotee recognizes the truth: the result is up to Krishna. We can achieve nothing by our own efforts, and certainly not by making any material arrangements. As such, we cannot feel spiritually helpless while taking shelter of matter. We may have the best mantra, the best technique, the best place for preaching, but Lord Caitanya will still force us to realize our dependence on Krishna. So we become dependent, but not unenthusiastic or undetermined. Rather we have to be very determined and enthusiastic to invoke the Lord’s mercy.
(Nectar of Sankirtana)

August 6

To establish a common goal for the community, the leaders have to preach. It cannot be forced, but the goal has to be inspiring. Let the purity of your preaching be the force. People are inspired by example, and in some cases example is even more important than preaching. Help everybody feel that they are an important member of the group working together towards a goal, and that their service is appreciated and that they are cared for.

August 5

If we want the devotees to be focused on the Deities we have to glorify the Deities. Besides establishing that goal there is also a need to remind the devotees of their connection to that goal. Kali Yuga means that there is a tendency to forget. Why is there quarrel (one of the symptoms of Kali Yuga)? Because people forget what the goal is. We have to keep reminding each other what the goal of our service is.

August 4

A community is usually united around a common goal.The best way to unite a community is by service to the Deities and by preaching. Both have to be there. That is the formula Prabhupada gave us: pancaratrika vidhi and bhagavata-vidhi. Both have to be side by side like two tracks of a train. Service to the Deities includes all different departments of the temple as all of those are actually serving the Deities. Glorification of Deities, which is Harinam, includes book distribution, Sunday program and festivals.

August 3

Someone may be attracted to the process of devotional service because he thinks he’ll be relieved from suffering.  Our experience, however, is different. Most of us find that practicing devotional service does not relieve our suffering, or it produces other kinds of suffering. Sometimes people are disappointed by this and even give up their devotional service in frustration. It is because they were attached to relief from pain even more than they were attached to being able to taste the nectar at Krishna’s feet. Such persons then go out to search elsewhere for pain relief. Of course, if even for a moment we receive the taste of Krishna’s lotus feet, we will feel fully satisfied and our sufferings will pale in comparison. We will not be able to forget the taste of devotional service ever again. The trick is, then, to get even a minute taste of real Krishna consciousness. We get a taste in Krishna consciousness by associating with the Lord. Usually, we get the Lord’s association by associating with His devotees.
