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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

October 17

There has to be a group of devotees who have strict standards. There can be other groups who reach out to newer people. When those newer people are ready to become more serious then they should go into groups with stricter standards. This way everything comes up. But if we do not have this group with strict standards then everything stays and nothing grows. We will get followers but where is the change of heart? We don't judge the strength of our movement simply by the number of followers rather we have to see that people are becoming serious about Krishna Consciousness

October 16

If you want to have any hope of inspiring somebody then you must be prepared to give as much of yourself as you possibly can to them without ever expecting anything in return - even if they do not respond to your preaching. By preaching without attachment to results we can remain inspired to preach in any condition whether somebody is receptive or not. This does not mean we need to preach forcefully. Rather we need to show that we care. That effort, in of itself, although possibly not bearing any immediate fruit, still can leave a lasting impression, which will bear a fruit in future.

October 15

The offering of inspiration to others is not so much something which can be taught as much as it should be experienced. When you are inspired, the inspiration can more easily affect others. If you are not inspired, no matter how hard you might try to create inspiration in somebody else, there is much less of a chance that you will be successful.

October 14

It is sincerity that saves a devotee even though he may apparenty lose hope to be saved. It is difficult to predict how and when Krishna's mercy will manifest in one's life. Sometimes it may not manifest until many long yeas of sufferring have come before it. 'Manifest' means it will become clear that it is Krishna's mercy. The mercy is there right now and a devotee is never overlooked by the Lord. The Lord knows best how to bring His devotee closer to Him. So we should not try to calculate when and how He should do it for us rather simply remain sincere and go on with our endeavors to chant and hear Krishna's glories. That is sincerity.

October 12

When Vaishnavas appear, devotees should exchange their realizations. In this way, they will become friends with Krishna-katha as the common basis for dialogue. One devotee can share his realization while another hears attentively, then the other devotee may also speak—either to share his own realization or to inquire to inspire further discussion. We can practice this. It takes effort. If we want to defeat the urge to speak unnecessarily, and because we are social beings, we must have a certain criteria for how to socialize. Devotees should speak only about topics connected to Lord Hari or topics favorable to devotional service. All other topics are counted as giving in to the pushing to speak.
 (Bhaktyaloka, Moscow)

October 11

When devotees gather and know that they should not discuss prajalpa, they wonder who will speak Krishna-katha first. Sometimes devotees even ask whether the other devotees would want to hear about Krishna. They may be afraid that speaking about Krishna makes them look puffed-up. But the Krishna-katha has to start flowing somewhere. We should be aware that we are practitioners. We are not pure devotees gathering for sadhu-sanga. A practitioner is someone who is practicing, who has not yet reached the spontaneous platform. Therefore, he doesn’t feel the spontaneous realization that Krishna is present in his life at every moment. Because he doesn’t have that realization, he will not be able to share it with others. His Krishna-katha may not have the same impact that a pure devotee’s conversation would have. Nonetheless, he is a practitioner, so let him practice. This may take common agreement. Can everyone agree that we are practitioners in devotional service? Then we should agree to practice speaking about Krishna. By such practice, we will begin to realize the satisfaction that comes from Krishna-katha. 
(Bhaktyaloka, Moscow)

October 10

Bhaktivinoda Thakura explains that if we do not regulate our tendency to speak, then we will create enmity among one another through gossip. Usually when we speak about others, we do so only to point out their faults. Sometimes people who do not control their speaking urge regret what they have said. Not only have their words disturbed others, they have disturbed their own mind. The original speaker may question himself, “Why did I speak like that? Maybe I shouldn’t have said what I said.” Although this thought process may go on in the minds of many individuals, gossip continues. Why? Because we are pushed by the urge to speak unnecessarily. But Bhaktivinoda Thakura advises that if we do feel the urge to speak, but we have nothing of value to say, we should keep quiet. This is the standard of behavior devotees should maintain in one another’s association. When devotees gather, it is better (and a higher standard) to say nothing at all if all that can be said is gossip.
(Bhaktyaloka, Moscow)

October 9

A devotee asked me how could someone serve Krishna if his body is paralyzed. "There are no impediments to devotional service. Even in the most difficult situation, a devotee has the ability to desire. Desiring to serve Krishna is all that is required if we wish to advance in Krishna consciousness. I am talking about the sincere desire to remember and serve the Lord. So we serve first by desire, not by our physical body. Therefore Srila Prabhupada explained that no material force can impede devotion. If we actually have the desire to serve Krishna, then whatever is within our ability, we can offer. If we are unable due to physical circumstances to render outward service, we can inquire, speak about Krishna, and hear. Hearing and chanting never stops. Our ability to continue hearing and chanting even under difficult circumstances will depend on our desire. How much do we want to use whatever strength we have to speak about Krishna? If we have the desire, Krishna will give us the ability to do it. Then we will remember Krishna and our devotion will increase."
(Bhaktyaloka, Moscow)

October 8

The body is compared to a boat that can carry us across the ocean. While we are in this boat, we should use it for Krishna’s service. But service to Krishna does not start in the body and it doesn’t end when the body ends. Service takes place in our consciousness. We have to prepare our consciousness for service to Krishna both within and without the body. That’s what we are meant to accomplish in this life. Some of us may have to prepare to serve Krishna without this material body sooner than others, but we will all eventually have to face this reality. We should face the truth now and prepare ourselves to serve Krishna no matter what condition of life we are in.
(Bhaktyaloka, Moscow)

October 7

It is only our lack of experience in Krishna consciousness that we don’t feel the dynamism of our relationship with Krishna. A truly Krishna conscious person experiences a continual exchange between himself and the Lord. He knows that Krishna is leading him through a variety of engagements, or variety in his engagement, to help him become more fixed in His service. If we want to experience that variety, we have to prepared to do what Krishna wants us to do, to see how Krishna will reveal to us our particular path of surrender. That is called “becoming the Lord’s instrument.” If we maintain the desire to please Krishna as our constant aspiration, Krishna will reveal to us how it can be done.
