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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

February 21

I would also try my best to give the devotee the opportunity to see me less as an authority and more as a well-wisher. This is very important when trying to help devotees. They need to feel that somebody is their well-wisher, and not that somebody is just there to correct them when they do something wrong.
Collected Letters Written to Friends and Disciples Vol 4, Pg 49, 3rd pargaraph

February 20

Everyone is looking to make their lives more complete. That is because without Krishna, there will always be something lacking in our lives. We are incomplete without Krishna, but when we add Krishna and put Him in front of everything else, everything else will become an aid and a support for acheiving our complete relationship with Krishna. The best way to put Krishna in front is to faithfully chant His names every day. There is nothing more important in life than this.
Collected Letters Written to Friends and Disciples Vol 4, Pg 47, 2nd paragraph

February 19

There are many realized vaisnavas who wander over this earth sharing their realizations, and who are nourishing the devotional creepers of their dependents. You should include hearing from them as the primary foundation for your devotional service. By showing the Lord in your heart that you are dependent upon the means that He offers for your advancement, He will help you to come closer to him. This is sraddha. Make the extra effort required to hear from them. Supersoul will surely help.
Collected Letters Written to Friends and Disciples Vol 4, Pg 46, 2nd paragraph

February 18

A practitioner should always remember this instruction of the Lord. If a practitioner engages in prohibited association, then gradually his attachment increases. The more this attachment increases, the more his firm faith in the supreme goal diminishes.
Collected Letters Written to Friends and Disciples Vol 4, Pg 45,last paragraph

February 17

There is really no other way to obtain this increase in faith other than through sanga. It is possible for mahabhagavatas to infuse and/or strengthen sraddha in a moment's association simply by being in their presence. But without that extremely rare opportunity, the prescribed means for obtaining the nourishment required for bhakti to grow is to regularly hear from those who have realized knowledge of the Absolute, who, although they are not mahabhagvatas, they do have the faith required to infuse faith in the hearts of others.
Collected Letters Written to Friends and Disciples Vol 4, Pg 44-45, last paragraph

February 16

Sraddha increases only by association. Srila Bhaktivode Thakura gives the analogy that sraddha, when appearing in the heart of the living entity, is like the birth of a new-born baby girl. When the baby girl takes her birth, her parents are always careful to protect her from severe heat and cold, hunger and thirst, and dangerous creatures. Similarly, sraddha must be protected from the influence of karma and jnana by the guardians of devotional service. If not properly protected that sraddha, instead of growing into more advanced level of faith, can turn into anarthas. Therefore sadhu-sanga is essential for protection of sraddha. And along with protection, the new-born baby girl requires nourishment from her mother. Similarly, sraddha requires tnourishment from the hari-kirtan of those who are also protecting their sraddha from bad influences.
Collected Letters Written to Friends and Disciples Vol 4, Pg 44, 2nd paragraph

February 15

That is how Krishna deals with His devotees. By His mystical ways, He creates a situation for us by which we will hanker more for His presence, and by chanting His names, we will feel an increase of that presence. It will be so satisfying that we won't want to stop. It may seem that such a state of conciousness is too far away to imagine, but it is not far at all. The seed has been planted and it will grow. As with any seed, the more sunlight and nourishment it gets, the faster the growth.
Collected Letters Written to Friends and Disciples Vol 4, Pg 36, 2nd paragraph

February 14

If you want to get some spiritual intelligence back, then you should, at least for some time, separate yourself from the object of your lust, purify your conciousness with increased chanting and prayer, and then decide with a clearer perspective if this is the person with whom you actually want to spend the next 25-30 years of your life in joint service to Krishna. What value will there be in your life if the only basis for making a decision for engagement is that you've found a good sex partner? That won't last long, I assure you.
Collected Letters Written to Friends and Disciples Vol 4, Pg 35, 4th Paragraph

February 13

You're getting some flickering pleasure driven by lust, and the rest of the time, you're probably in complete anxiety with lust, attachment, loss of intelligence and guilt. One should be anxious for Krishna - not because his insatiable lust is out of control!
Collected Letters Written to Friends and Disciples Vol 4, Pg 35, 3rd

February 12

So many problems will arise due to weakness of heart. And deviations will arise too. But any devotee who has once tasted Krishna's association will never be able to forget that experience. That means neither guru nor Krishna will ever forget him/her.
Collected Letters Written to Friends and Disciples Vol 4, Pg 34, 5th Paragraph
