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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

March 15

Meditation means stopping all nonsensical activities, at least for the time being. Devotional service, however not only puts an end to all nonsensical mundane activities, but also engages one in meaningful devotional activities.
Collected Letters to Friends and disciples Vol 4, Pg 129, last paragraph.

March 14

Guru is one, in that there is no difference in the objective of diksha and siksha gurus. Their aim is to assist their dependents in their advancement by destroying ignorance with the torchlight of knowledge. In other words, the diksha guru wants to see his disciple advance towards pure devotional service and the siksha gurus want to see their siksha disciple advance towards pure devotional service. They are happy- especially when siksha comes in Srila Prabhupada's line - even if the disciple receives the strength and knowledge to advance from a source other than himself. Therefore from wherever strength and knowledge come, the disciple should take it - with the blessings of his guru. There may even be many who provide that to us at different stages of our advancement.
Collected Letters to Friends and disciples Vol 4, Pg 129, 1st paragraph.

March 13

We must get sambandha-jnana from guru if we want lasting shelter under his guidance. Sambandha-jnana is the knowledge and necessary level of faith for establishing our connection with Krishna. Once the connection is established, the guru gradually clears the path towards the goal by keeping the disciple moving in the right direction through his instructions and by providing the disciple strength to overcome obstacles (anarthas)
Collected Letters to Friends and disciples Vol 4, Pg 129, last paragraph.

March 12

Thank you very much for your efforts to help Mukunda dasa remember Krishna while leaving his body. When you help others remember Krishna, Krishna helps you to remember Him. You become dear to Him for this service. Life is short. We will all leave our bodies in due course of time. Please therefore go on with this service and be blessed to become fully Krishna concious in this lifetime.
Collected Letters to Friends and disciples Vol 4, Pg 135, last paragraph.

March 9

We must start with obedience, because without obedience it is not possible to understand the guru’s instructions. The spiritual master expects the disciple to maintain an attitude of obedience. He doesn’t want the disciple to concoct his own set of instructions to follow. The spiritual master has already given the instruction. We may or may not understand the import of the instructions, but if we carry them out in pure faith, we can realize everything in Krishna consciousness. We exhibit our obedience by following the spiritual master’s instructions and rendering service. All other realizations come from that.
(Lecture SB 4.2.21, Moscow 10.27.1996)

March 8

We should serve the guru by following his instructions.
Srila Prabhupada gives the example that if the spiritual master asks for a glass of water and we think, “Let me bring him a glass of milk,” then we aren’t serving properly. A disciple may think he is serving by bringing the milk, because milk is better than water, but if we actually want to render service to the spiritual master, we will simply do as he asks. That’s the definition of service. By rendering service in such a way, we come closer to understanding the guru’s heart and thus closer to the spiritual master.
(Lecture SB 4.2.21, Moscow 10.27.1996)

March 7

Prabupada did not show us the example of looking behind every bush in Vrindavana for Krishna; He taught us to see Krishna in the orders of the guru. Prabhupada never showed us any other example.
(Lecture SB 4.2.21, Moscow 10.27.1996)

March 6

The important point for us to note is that all bona fide Vaishnava acaryas stress that we should take the guidance of the disciplic succession if we wish to understand Krishna conscious truth.
(Lecture- SB 1.5.10, Kiev, 1991)

March 5

We should always strive to associate with Krishna through the spiritual master’s instructions. This is how we try to see Krishna in everything.
(Lecture SB 4.2.21, Moscow 10.27.1996)

March 4

The important point for us to note is that all bona fide Vaishnava acaryas stress that we should take the guidance of the disciplic succession if we wish to understand Krishna conscious truth.
(Lecture- SB 1.5.10, Kiev, 1991)
