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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

February 20

Devotees have no personal investment in their dealings-- at least serious devotees. They get their fulfillment from a place beyond their day-to-day social dealings. Giving without expectation of return is the platform from which serious devotees operate. And even if you don't meet their expectations, they will not reject you. They know the power of the illusory energy. And they know how a spiritually weak, but non-offensive devotee can fall victim to her powerful influence.

February 20, 2010, Blog

February 19

One becomes purified by confronting the difficulties he has in execution of his duties. Not by avoiding. This is the essence of the teachings of Bhagavad Gita.

February 17, 1998, Almaty

February 18

It is not by our own efforts that we can know Krishna. Krishna can only be known when He lets Himself be known. Even if we want to think of Krishna, Krishna has to agree to appear in our minds. That is what it means to be Supreme. He is Supreme and therefore He can do whatever He wants. So if we want to overcome the influence of illusory energy, one has to feel himself completely dependent on Krishna.

February 18, 1994, Riga

February 18

It is not by our own efforts that we can know Krishna. Krishna can only be known when He lets Himself be known. Even if we want to think of Krishna, Krishna has to agree to appear in our minds. That is what it means to be Supreme. He is Supreme and therefore He can do whatever He wants. So if we want to overcome the influence of illusory energy, one has to feel himself completely dependent on Krishna.

February 18, 1994, Riga

February 17

Too many times people act impulsively to break free from suffering. However, when the suffering goes away, they fall back to their previous habits again. Do not act impulsively for relief from your suffering. Arm yourself with the proper knowledge so that you will not fall back again. Knowledge and renunciation will come in proportion to the degree that you attach yourself to hearing and chanting about Krishna.

February 17, 2002, Letter

February 16

The spiritual master is present in his instructions, and the more the disciple remembers these instructions in his day-to-day life, the more the disciple will feel the constant presence of the spiritual master on the spiritual platform.

February 16, 2002, Letter

February 15

This is how a devotee must think: how can I get him to take shelter of the lotus feet of Krishna? When a devotee actually has that desire within his heart, then he preaches with that strong desire and Krishna helps.

February 15, 1994, Riga

February 14

Instead of seeing Krishna with his eyes, first one has to hear Krishna with his ears. When one hears Krishna with his ears, then gradually all his senses become purified and some day he will be able to see Krishna face to face. The sense of hearing is more important than seeing, because Krishna makes Himself very accessible in His name. Simply by chanting His name, one can come in contact with Krishna.

February 14, 2010, Budapest

February 13

When there are affectionate dealings between devotees based upon Krishna conscious exchanges, devotees become bound in these ropes of affection and help each other make progress in Krishna consciousness. What better service could you render to me and to others than to take part in helping devotees remain in Krishna consciousness throughout their whole lives?

February 13, 2002, Letter

February 12

The spiritual master creates austerities for us by giving us instructions which we must follow. If we strictly follow those instructions, then we become qualified for more instructions, but if we do not strictly follow, we will never be able to understand. Devotional service will simply continue to remain a mystery and even though one may be living in the society of devotees, Srila Prabhupada explains here that one will be a disciple in name only.

February 12, 1998, Almaty
