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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

February 11

We should be willing, especially for the sake of those who are dependent upon us, to speak the truth. In time, those who are dependent will have to decide for themselves what is the truth and what is not the truth. In that sense, they cannot be forced or legislated to accept the truth. In whomever their faith lies, they will accept the conclusions spoken by them.

February 10, 2003, Letter

February 10

So many problems will arise due to weakness of heart, and deviations can arise too. But any devotee who has “once tasted” Krishna's association will never be able to forget that experience. That means that neither guru nor Krishna will ever forget that devotee.

February 9, 2005, Letter

February 9

I am sorry that you are suffering, but please, I beg you, at least keep your faith in one thing – that I am neither indifferent, nor have I rejected you. I pray that these few words will give you the ability to see that Krishna is not indifferent to you either. He simply wants you to remember Him.

February 9, 2005, Letter

February 8

Please keep a strong connection, whether it be through daily attentive chanting, daily prayer, revealing your mind in confidence with your godsisters, regularly listening to lectures, or regularly reading Srila Prabhupada's books—whatever gives you internal strength! Please be careful not to neglect at least that much, even though you are under pressure to fulfill so many other obligations.

February 8, 2002, Letter

February 7

We can not artificially imitate the platform of peacefulness. We may try to restrain ourselves completely and be very kind towards everyone, but unless the living entity is freed from lust, it is not possible for him to be freed from anger.

February 7, 1997, Lipetsk

February 6

You have the potential, but must practice with sincere chanting and service to Vaishnavas – all Vaishnavas. Not just gurus and sanyasis. Here in Radha Gopinath Mandir, I have witnessed devotees – important, senior devotees – who will even selflessly serve young, uninitiated bhaktas and bhaktins and relish the opportunity to serve them. This you must practice more and more, and it will also enhance your service of preaching to newcomers who visit the temple.

February 6, 2006, Letter

February 5

I am 100% convinced that without devotee association we don't stand a chance against the onslaughts of the material energy. As difficult as it may seem at times, we must always situate ourselves in such a way that we can favorably associate with devotees by continually hearing and chanting the glories of Krishna and His pure devotee, Srila Prabhupada. If that continues then automatically service will be there, and advancement is guaranteed.

February 5, 1987, Letter

February 4

Love means unconditional. It means that if I give something, I am not thinking of getting anything in return. As soon as I think of getting something in return for my service, it is not love, it is business. We can not engage God in business because He is not bound by any contract. He is independent.

February 4, 1997, Bryansk

February 3

We have relationships with others in terms of family, friends, and society. To have relationships with others is real, it is not illusory. But the relationships should be based on the spiritual platform.

February 3, 1997, Smolensk

October 8

We should all feel such a deep relationship with Prabhupada. We should actually see how our spiritual master helping us to deepen that relationship with Prabhupada. Therefore hearing and chanting about Prabhupada is also as good as hearing and chanting about Krishna, because Prabhupada did not have any activity which was not connected to Krishna.

October 8, 1997, Almaty
