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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

August 17

If one is envious of the spiritual master, one seals his fate - transcendental knowledge will no longer be available. One’s heart will become so filled with material desires as the result of this envy. And because the heart is already so filled with material desires, there will be no room for transcendental knowledge.

August 17, 1992, Dnepropetrovsk

August 16

If we actually want real satisfaction, then we must exclusively work for the satisfaction of the Lord. As long as there is any tinge or trace of desire to enjoy separately from the Lord, we cannot feel full satisfaction because those desires cannot be fulfilled independently from the interest of the Lord.

16 August 1992, Dnepropetrovsk

August 15

We have to become free from the external designations, because they all temporary. This is the platform of realized knowledge. The only designation of the self which is eternal and constant, which continues after the death of this body, that “I am a servant of Krsna”. One who realized that, he is always engaged in Krsnas service.

August 15, 1992, Dnepropetrovsk

August 14

To the degree that we chant with feeling, we are associating. To the degree that we don’t chant with feeling – we are not associating. To the degree that we hear others with feeling – we are associating, and to the degree that we lack in interest of hearing – we are not associating. That what it means to associate – it’s with feeling. A feeling of urgency and the cultivation of desire.

August 14, 2008, Kiev

August 13

Sukriti means those activities, which have connections with transcendental personalities, which gives rise to an intense desire to serve Krsna.

August 13, 2005, Vitebsk

August 12

Anything that increases Krsna's pleasure is always spiritual, and therefore even the competition in the spiritual world is completely spiritual because it increases Krsna's pleasure.

August 12, 2005, Minsk

August 11

When one actually has complete shelter in the Lord and has full affection relationship to the Lord, it also includes the Lord's parts and parcels. So, it’s never selfish to be fully dependent upon the Lord and to be fully conscious of the Lord.

August 11, 2005, Minsk

August 10

This firm faith in the Holy Name of the Lord should be there before taking initiation. One must actually has this experience of the glories of the Holy Name of the Lord before accepting the Holy Name of the Lord.

August 10, 2002, Minsk

August 8

I am firmly convinced that turbulence and constant change exists in everyone's life within in this world. But the one person in whom we can find complete shelter is Krishna. He gives His full assurance that He will protect His devotees under all circumstances. Such protection, and our conviction to fully depend upon that protection, enables us to be peaceful in all circumstances. By regularly chanting Krishna's names, we can gradually develop that complete conviction.

August 8, 1986, Letter to Lucille

August 7

The devotee doesn’t try to counteract his suffering by fruitive activity. The devotee simply goes on serving the Lord. By serving the Lord, gradually he looses awareness of his own distress.

August 7, 2002, Minsk
