August 6
We have to know what is the standard of devotional service and not become complacent, thinking “my standard is enough.” One will never make advancement if he thinks his standard is enough. He won’t go forward.
August 6, 2004, Minsk
We have to know what is the standard of devotional service and not become complacent, thinking “my standard is enough.” One will never make advancement if he thinks his standard is enough. He won’t go forward.
August 6, 2004, Minsk
I suggest that you first settle in your mind where you will live (Moscow, Kishinev, or some other city), find some means of employment, and once you are steady in your work and your chanting, then you will be in a better position to consider accepting the responsibility of being a husband.
August 2, 2003, Letter
When your heart becomes clean, then you will realize the mission of the spiritual master more and more. Your role there also will become very clear because you will realize that you are an eternal servant of Krishna and that serving the spiritual master’s order is not different from serving Krishna. But without hearing it is very difficult for the heart to become clean.
July 28, 2003, Lithuanian festival, meeting with disciples
This responsibility cannot be neglected or passed on to somebody else. The parents must raise the child in the best environment possible for the child to learn Krishna consciousness from the beginning of life.
July 26, 2001, Letter
What is a change of heart? A change of heart is when one becomes attracted to Krishna, Krishna’s devotees, and Krishna consciousness. The goal of all our activities in Krishna consciousness is to awaken this attraction within the heart.
July 25, Lithuanian festival
By cultivating an attraction for your internal activities you will be able to execute your external activities with less attachment. The external activities must be performed, but simply as a matter of duty. You will not be dependent upon satisfaction from your external activities because the satisfaction coming from your internal activities will be far superior.
July 24, 2004, Letter
This is how we develop our love for Krishna. This is the secret. This is the science. If we actually want to develop our love for Krishna, we have to hear about the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead—the pastimes of the Lord in relationship to His eternal associates.
July 23, 2000, Kiev
We may not fully understand what is the ultimate plan, what is our role in this plan, what are we supposed to accomplish in this life. First we should become obedient to Krishna, and then everything else will be revealed to us.
July 21, 2001, Kiev
We must feel that we are incapable, for if we were to feel too materially qualified, we could easily forget our dependence upon the Lord. Material qualifications are not the criteria for devotional service. It is all dependent upon our desire to please Krishna.
July 20, 1987, Letter
Kirtan is the means for conquering the mind. To engage in smaranam one has to be very, very advanced. Very few advanced devotees can engage in smaranam, but kirtan is accessible and available to anyone.
July 17, 2002, Tallin