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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

July 5

In order for me to serve my guru and Lord Caitanya, I must preach their glories to someone. My disciples are their representatives, and they are giving me the opportunity to purify myself by serving my worshipful Lord and masters when they are eagerly sitting and hearing Krishna-katha from me. If my disciples can understand this point, then they can live anywhere - inside the ashrama, outside the ashrama, or wherever.

July 5, 1999, Letter

July 4

It causes me great pain to see devotees neglecting their health unnecessarily. We have to use these bodies for Krishna's service, and taking care of our health is part of that service. But if we make the effort, and despite our effort, our health does not improve, then that is Krishna's mercy.

July 4, 1999, Letter

July 3

If someone has given you so much, then the best way to associate with that person is to use what he has given to you. If you don’t use what has been given to you, then how can you really appreciate what has been given to you?

July 3, 2005, Moscow

July 2

As long as one has unfulfilled desires, one cannot be peaceful. He is thinking, “How to fulfill my desires? How to fulfill my desires?” But if one has established his relationship with Krishna, then Krishna is always thinking, “Let Me fulfill all his desires.” Then Krishna fulfills all his desires…Krishna fulfills our desires even better than we can fulfill them ourselves. He knows all our desires and He satisfies all the spiritual desires that are there in the hearts of His devotees.

July 2, 2005, Lipeck

July 1

It is very difficult to understand our relationship with Krishna if we are not willing to serve Him.

July 1, 1990, Izory

June 30

“Materially impoverished” means“nothing I have belongs to me.” When you realize that nothing you have belongs to you, it means you are materially impoverished.

June 30, 2003, Moscow

June 29

I like to think of Krishna by speaking about Krishna. What helps me to speak about Krishna is nice devotees like you who are anxious to hear about Krishna. Without devotees who are anxious to hear about Krishna, it becomes very difficult to speak about Krishna.

June 29, 1990, Izory

June 28

Krishna is neutral toward those who are suffering according to karma, but anyone who approaches the Lord with devotion, Krishna can never be indifferent toward him or her. “With devotion” means that we have to approach the Lord through His devotees because devotees are never indifferent toward the suffering of living beings. When a devotee feels suffering because of your suffering, then you get Krishna’s attention because Krishna cannot tolerate the suffering of His devotees.

June 28, 2005, Rostov

June 27

We don’t have to be great philosophers or scholars to preach about Krishna. We simply have to repeat what we have heard.

June 27, 1990, Izory

June 26

The devotee always prays to the Lord, “Please, I want to love You exclusively. I do not want anything else. Under all circumstances, whatever situation You put me in, don’t let me forget You. And because You are the supreme enjoyer, my life is meant for Your pleasure. Please take me and use me as You wish. Let me be Your eternal servant.”

June 26, 2005, Moscow
