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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

July 26

They [books] are very much appreciating and we are selling to the extent of 30-40 hundred thousands of Rupees per month. Out of this we spend 50% for the maintenance of our different temples all over the world and 50% we spend for reprinting my books. I do not take any royalty or any profit out of it. Similarly if you agree not to take any profit or royalty then our Bhaktivedanta Book Trust will publish your book on Lord Ramacandra. I have a great desire to translate the Valmiki Ramayana because that is authorized.

Letter to Dinanatha N. Mishra, 26 July, 1975

July 25

I am very glad to know that you are reading our literatures and you are very thoughtful about them. I am always happy to answer your questions, but you should practice to get the answers from your husband and try to find them out by reading further in our books. All questions will be clarified if you simply read our books very thoroughly and follow the simple process of devotional service as we have given it to chant regularly and rigidly observe the rules and regulations. This is our principle that the spiritual science becomes revealed to the devotee from within the heart according to the degree of his surrender to Krsna.

Letter to Ekayani dasi, 25 July, 1970

July 23

As for receiving news of other centers, why should you be so anxious? The news is always the same, sankirtana is going on, deity worship, with little change. We should rather turn our interest to learn from the books more and more. We should inquire about Krsna. Temple life is going on with little change, but we should become habituated to read the books more profoundly. Then if you have some questions about Krsna consciousness as in the books, you can ask an elder Godbrother or write to me directly. That will help you make progress.

Letter to Sukadeva, 23 July, 1973

July 22

I wish that all of our Krishna Consciousness literatures may be available to men of all languages throughout the world, so whatever assistance you can give in this connection is always appreciated. But your main business at the present moment is to propagate Sankirtana to all the people of Germany. This is also very great service.

Letter to Sivananda, 22 July, 1969

July 21

So far as the draft board is concerned, I may inform you that we are arranging our institutions to be recognized by the draft board. In that case all our students will be taken as divinity students. Already some of our students have avoided being drafted by this way. So that is not a problem. If you are engaged in Krishna's service, He will give you all protection from all kinds of obstacles.

Letter to Giriraja, 21 July, 1969

July 20

I understand that you are the mother of the little boy Purnima das. He is very nice boy. He is Vaisnava. So you are very fortunate to have such a son. You can take it that Krsna has given you this son. So you must take care of him nicely and raise him in Krishna consciousness. All these boys must be taken care of very nicely. They are the future hope. When he is ready, he must be taught English and Sanskrit.

Letter to Suchitra devi dasi, 20 July, 1974

July 19

Your victory over the scientist who was saying that life comes from dust is very good. We should not take such nonsense from them. We should speak up against such false theorists and say, "Don't talk such nonsense please. Don't mislead the public. You are taking big salaries and leading the public wrongly. It would be better for you to be a street sweeper and earn an honest livelihood instead of cheating.''

Letter to Karandhara, 19 July, 1973

July 18

I am very glad to know that you have been staying for some months at our London Temple in the association of our devotees. This is certainly the most fortunate company for you and I know that if you maintain the association of devotees your life will be happy and perfect. That is the version of the sastra that the most important thing for spiritual realization is the company of realized souls or pure devotees of the Lord.

Letter to Tribhuvanatha, 18 July, 1970

July 17

The plan already made by you is agreed by me. So you can go ahead with the plan. Our only plan should be henceforward to spread the Sankirtana activities and sell our publications. Publication of Back To Godhead is entrusted to Rayarama, and for publication of books, Brahmananda is entrusted. For business Gargamuni is entrusted. So let us combinedly execute the Krishna Consciousness movement in full swing.

Letter to Mukunda, 17 July, 1968

July 16

This Sankirtana Party and our Book Department are very, very important; they are our right and left hands, so everything should be done very carefully and in remembrance that this is Krishna's business that we are executing. Because we are doing Krishna's business does not mean that we should be less careful, but it means we should be much more careful than someone who is performing activities simply for sense gratification. So instruct the boys in that way.

Letter to Brahmananda, 16 July, 1969
