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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

August 20

You happen to be a member of the GBC. So whatever you want to do or whatever ideas you want to introduce in the management of our society, please write in a letter and distribute the copies to all the GBC members along with one copy to me also. Then collect the opinions of each and every GBC member and if the majority supports the idea then it should be taken as a fact for being carried out in our society. The majority vote and my opinion should be taken. When the majority opinion is present, my opinion will be yes or no. In most cases it will be yes unless it is grievously against our principles.

Letter to Jagadisa, 20 August, 1971

August 18

Please always remain busy in Krsna Conscious activities and there will be no disturbance created by Maya. That is the standard of real peace. Without Krsna's association there is no possibility of peaceful condition of life. We can associate with Krsna in so many ways by chanting His Holy Name, by hearing His Qualities and Pastimes, by seeing His Beautiful Form in Arca Deity, by eating His Prasad, by contacting His Devotees, by travelling to His Temple and Holy Pilgrimages and after all by thinking of Him within our heart always. All these different items are identified with Krsna because He is the Absolute Truth. It is a known fact that Maya is very strong, but one who associates with Krsna in the above mentioned ways, Maya can show no strength or Maya converts herself from Maha Maya to Yoga Maya.

Letter to Upendra, 18 August, 1970

August 17

Vrindaban conception is a transcendental village, without any botheration of the modern industrial atmosphere. My idea of developing New Vrindaban is to create an atmosphere of spiritual life where people in bona fide order of social division, namely, Brahmacaris, Grhasthas, Vanaprastha, Sannyasis, or specifically Brahmacaris and Sannyasis, and Vanaprasthas, will live there independently, completely depending on agricultural produce and milk from the cows. The life should be simplified without being hampered by laboring day and night for economic development, without any spiritual understanding. The New Vrindaban idea is that persons who live there will accept the bare necessities of life to maintain the body and soul together and the major part of time should be engaged in development of Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Hayagriva, 17 August, 1968

August 16

I am pleased to learn that your center and the Vancouver center are cooperating together to propagate this movement. Your idea of joining together on Sankirtana once in a month for large scale Sankirtana Party is nice, and you may do it conveniently.

Letter to Upendra, 16 August, 1969

August 15

Another thing is that opening temples should not be encouraged at this time. Subala did the same thing in Santa fee years ago, why again he is doing the same thing? Hamsaduta in Germany instead of increasing the temples and Deity worship he has increased the Sankirtana parties. He is running on 8 New buses and distributing large quantities of literature, this is more important. Neglectful Deity worship means offense. So make propaganda in this way, but in the bus there should not be Deity worship, simply the picture of Guru Gauranga.

Letter to Jagadisa, 15 August, 1973

August 14

Actually cottage life for chanting Hare Krishna Mantra is very nice but because we are dealing with the Western people, Americans and Europeans, they require some nice apartment. Therefore we have to construct a nice house for them. My Guru Maharaja's policy was to give nice facility to devotees so that they may chant Hare Krishna Mantra peacefully and make advancement. But we cannot be luxurious. As far as possible minimize the needs of our life but we shall not curtail the bare necessities.

Letter to Acyutananda Maharaja, 14 August, 1971

August 10

I am very happy to see fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, grains, the devotees taking sumptuous prasadam and chanting Hare Krsna. This is the actual meaning of human life. It is a very good farm, from your letter I can understand. Whatever you build, get the building materials locally. If you can manufacture tiles locally, then your house problem is solved. Build up bamboo frame, and on it place tiles. In any event get everything locally. I wish to make a farm tour and then I shall surely visit your farm.

Letter to Hari Sauri dasa, 10 August 1977

August 9

Your program for preaching in Delhi is very much approved by me, preaching Krsna is the same as remembering Krsna. I can understand if one of my students is making spiritual advancement if he is also making many life members and devotees. So you have not to minimize the preaching program in order to study independently, no, continue as you are doing, preach as much as possible, collect, make life members, and whenever you have time read and study and never neglect to chant your sixteen rounds daily, and this will be the perfect program.

Letter to Tejiyas, 9 August, 1972

August 8

Observe many festivals, that will keep both public and devotees alive. Temple means festivals and Festivals means chanting and distribution of Prasadam.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, 8 August, 1973

August 7

So far Sankirtana is concerned, that should be continued in all circumstances. Chanting of Hare Krishna, Sankirtana is our life and soul. Side by side, if possible, then you can attempt for the ISKCON restaurant and Krishna Prasadam distribution, but this I think is secondary.

Letter to Nathan Baruch, 7 August, 1968
