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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

August 6

Regarding your recipe for pickling foodstuffs, it is all right, but it will be nicer still if you follow the following procedure: Cut berries, green apples or green tomatoes into pieces. Without adding water, add a mixture of equal quantities of salt, turmeric and red peppers. Then let it be dried in the sunlight as far as possible. When this is done, put it either in mustard oil or in olive oil, and it will then keep for years.

Letter to Kirtanananda, 6 August, 1969

August 5

The transcendental nature of Rasa Lila does not require to be apologised by any Mayavadi or mundane moralist. The Lila is what it is. Srila Vyasadeva never desired that in future the real purpose of the Rasa Lila had to be explained by some mundane scholar with poor fund of knowledge. It does not require to be changed a bit but the only thing required in this connection is to qualify oneself in the matter of undergoing a strict spiritual training to realize the same transcendentally from the right sources.

Letter to Ratanshi Morarji Khatau, 5 August, 1958

August 4

The whole scheme is that if a man becomes a devotee all good qualities inherent in him become manifest, whereas a person without being a devotee even though he has so-called academic qualifications, he will remain on the mental platform and will again be brought to the material field of activities which will always bring dissatisfaction. The total scheme is for simple life and high thinking and exalted character of the human society.

Letter to Giriraja, 4 August, 1975

August 3

So far as your dress is concerned, that is immaterial. But as a soldier you know that every soldier has got a uniform dress according to the army etiquette of regulation. Therefore, the army of Krishna Consciousness must have at least the tilak on the forehead in all conditions. For your business you can wear your naval service uniform; similarly, if you have tilak on your forehead as a soldier of Krishna Consciousness, you may not have so much objection, because it is essential.

Letter to Robert Hendry, 3 August, 1969

August 2

So if you will come to our temple on Park Avenue and chant and speak with the devotees as far as possible, you will find that all lesser attachments and lesser enjoyments will fall very short of your attachment for and attraction for service of the Lord in Krishna Consciousness. That is a fact, and my special request to you is that you seriously read our literature, especially Bhagavad-gita As It Is, chant Hare Krishna always; then you will find your life becoming sublime.

Letter to Ann Clifford, 2 August, 1969

July 31

I am glad to learn that the Philadelphians are quickly taking some interest in our Krishna Consciousness Movement, and you are simply standing on the corner wearing robes and the people come to purchase copies of Back To Godhead. So if you can continue in this way, letting them hear your chanting and selling Back To Godheads, then all success is automatically there.

Letter to Subala, 31 July, 1969

July 30

Regarding the problem of how to be aggressive on Sankirtana and submissive in the temple, my request to you is that you should go on being aggressive on Sankirtana. I myself was aggressive in coming to your country. No one invited me. Even you boys and girls did not invite me. But, I came and I preached aggressively, and therefore you are now my disciples. So now you well know you have to approach the men and women of your country, and it may appear that superficially that you have to disturb them...
If you are completely aggressive on Sankirtana, there should be no material aggressiveness and pride remaining. You have to distinguish between devotees and non-devotees.

Letter to Srimatis Jagaddhatri, Pasupati, Sailogata, & Pamela devi dasis, 30 July, 1975

July 29

Affection for God-brothers is nice, it is a good sign. Affection for God-brothers as well as for all other living entities, even they are not God-brothers, these signs are seen in the advanced devotees.

Letter to Madhusudana, 29 July, 1968

July 28

I do not know exactly what is the point, but if there is some honest criticism, there should be no cause of becoming upset.

Letter to Vrndavanesvari, 28 July, 1969

July 27

The subject matter of BTG should be very grave. It should not be made a joking, comical literature. The subject matter is that everyone should know who is Krishna. So present it in philosophical way but with simple language. The next subject matter is our relationship with Krishna. Then how we fulfill our life's ambition in Krishna Consciousness. So all these subject matters should be made understandable by the people in general, but we should be very grave in our presentation.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 27 July, 1971
