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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

September 26

Regarding your festivals with prasadam, yes do it occasionally. There is no need of accumulating wealth more. You can get wealth more, and also spend wealth more. This is brahmanaism. Get and spend, but not to spoil and squander. This example should be shown to others. That the City was paying you means that they are appreciating. Gradually they will all appreciate very much.

Letter to Kurusrestha das, 26 September, 1975

September 25

So Krishna will give you all intelligence how to push on this movement. Already you have a program for preaching at the university and you should continue this program more and more. The universities are always good field for preaching and distributing our literatures also. So work very hard and just depend on Krishna and surely you will be successful.

Letter to Sri Galim, 25 September, 1971

September 15

Europeans and Americans are very agitative, but since we have all taken a pledge to the service of Krsna, we have to change this habit for the peaceful service of Krsna. Everything will be all right by the grace of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. In the meantime do not be agitated and remain Krsna conscious.

Letter to Ramesvara das, 15 September, 1974

September 14

Regarding “Aquarian Gospel of Lord Jesus The Christ”, I have taken some stray extracts just to support our views, but we don't give any importance to that book. The best thing is that we accept Lord Jesus Christ as a great devotee of the Lord and the son of God. It is better not to discuss in any detail about the Christian religion or any other religion.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, 14 September, 1969

September 13

One thing is, I have just returned from Dallas Gurukula school, and the young students there require to learn Sanskrit language. So I think you may purchase minimum fifty copies of the primary Sanskrit book for learning Sanskrit language from Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan in Chowpatty and send to Dallas school as soon a possible. Ask them if they will donate, but if they will not donate then purchase outright minimum fifty copies of the first grammar or primary book for learning Sanskrit at earliest age.

Letter to Yadubara, 13 September, 1972

September 12

I am not in favor of closing even a small temple. It is not a plaything to close a temple or to start a temple. When we open a temple we are inviting Krsna. So you can't say to Krsna, go away. You have no feeling what are the ideals of a temple. You should always consider that we have invited Lord Caitanya, Lord Jagannatha, and Radha Krsna, and if we close it, it is an insult. How can we call Them, and then say get out. We should always feel when we open a temple that the Deity is living and not dead stone or wood. It is a great offense. Before opening a temple it must be considered a hundred times, and after opening it cannot be closed. It must be maintained.

Letter to Hamsaduta das, 12 September, 1974

september 11

In the Vedas it is stated that simply by understanding Krishna, one understands everything. This means there are two departmental educational policy; one departmental education is spiritual education, and the other departmental educational system is material education. One who is highly elevated in material education, cannot understand about anything spiritual. But one who is elevated highly in his spiritual education can understand anything material. In other words, all material things are dependent on the spiritual soul.

Letter to Syama dasi, 11 September, 1968

september 10

Regarding the recommendation for Ambika dasi to take second initiation from me, yes, you may give her. Enclosed find one copy of Gayatri mantra. Now hold a yajna, teach her how to count on the finger divisions, then play the Gayatri mantra tape through the right ear. Have her repeat along with my vibration word by word and then give her Gayatri mantra as usual. This Gayatri mantra function should be held amongst the devotees only.

Letter to Madhudvisa, 10 September, 1972

September 9

You say that amongst the elder disciples there are still symptoms of greed, anger, strife, bickering, etc., but you are one of them. You are one of the old students, so you fall in that group. So the fighting is among that group, but not amongst the real workers. There was fighting amongst the gopis also, so we cannot expect there will be some utopia without fighting, there is even in the spiritual sky transcendental greed, lust, envy, like that. But that is transcendental.

Letter to Krsna dasa, 9 September, 1972

September 8

But one thing is you must stop this fighting between brothers. Otherwise the whole program will be spoiled. Yourself, Tamala Krishna, Brahmananda, Satsvarupa - you should do everything combinedly. That is my request. Gradually, by Krishna's Grace, we are expanding. So if amongst ourselves there is friction, it will be very dangerous. So after my return to the States I shall make it more firm so there may not be any dissension.

Letter to Gargamuni, 8 September, 1969
