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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

October 25

Srila Prabhupada has said that book distribution is more important that street chanting. Book distribution is brihat kirtana. It is literally kirtana in the sense that the books are spoken and therefore anyone who reads a book is hearing. Because his books are recorded and transcribed Srila Prabhupada calls his books spoken kirtanas, or recorded chanting. So book distribution is also kirtana and should not be considered less than kirtana.

Your servant, Brahmananda Swami, Personal Secretary
Seen: ACBSP (initialed by hand)

Letter to Ramesvara, 25 October, 1974

October 24

The modern scientist, they say, from chemical life has come, or life from matter. So, I suggested that a little chemical composition may be made by the scientists with some yellow color, and why not put this artificial egg in an incubator and get more and more chickens. If they cannot produce even a chicken or even an egg of chicken, how can we believe their very big, big talks.

Letter to Svarupa Damodara das, 24 October, 1975

October 20

The Krisans shall live comfortably in the cottages. They should produce their food, their milk, and their cloth. Everything produced will be used by themselves. If there is any excess production then the question of trade will arise. That we shall see later on. All the products produced will belong to Krishna-Balarama. Everyday at least thrice, all the Krisans meet in the local temple of Krishna-Balarama, chant Hare Krishna Maha-mantra, and take prasadam. In this way they should live peacefully locally without going outside for their livelihood.

Letter to Digambar Singh, 20 October, 1975

October 19

Whenever there is any publication in any language, it enlivens me 100 times.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 19 October, 1974

October 15

There is nothing mystical about getting Gaura Nitai deities for worshiping. The Lord is all powerful and omnipresent, he knows the heart of the devotee and reciprocates with the devotee accordingly. So now the Lord has come to your home and agreed to be worshiped by you, therefore everything should be clean and neat. Nice prasadam should be offered regularly and distributed to guests. Kirtana may be performed morning and evening and some discussion from Bhagavad-gita as it is, or other books from our publications.

Letter to Sacimata Prabhu, 15 October, 1976

October 14

Regarding the morning kirtana songs, what you have given is all right. If time permits there are other songs that can be sung, such as jiva jago, udilo aruna “There is now sunrise on the Eastern horizon and Lord Caitanya accompanied by His devotees have started the morning Sankirtana party...”

Letter to Dhrstaketu das, 14 October, 1973

October 11

Your report of the book distribution there is very encouraging. Make program to distribute our books all over the world. Our books are being appreciated by learned circles, so we should take advantage. Whatever progress we have made, it is simply to distributing these books. So go on, and do not divert your mind for a moment from this. I have full confidence in you.

Letter to Ramesvara das, 11 October, 1974

October 10

I understand Malati is having some rheumatic condition, and it is causing pain and numbness. The best thing is to take hot baths, and massage with camphor oil, and if it is too much painful, use Sloan's liniment. Best thing is to consult with some expert physician. The Ayurvedic medicine which I could recommend is probably not available in London, but if there is any Ayurvedic shop let me know and I shall recommend some medicine. The best thing is to chant Hare Krishna loudly.

Letter to Syamasundara, 10 October, 1968

October 9

I am so pleased with you that you have done so nicely in the service of the Lord to your best capacity. That is required. It is not that everyone should be equally expert. But the thing that is needed is that we should be serious and sincere in our engagement. Nobody can adequately serve Krishna because Krishna is unlimited. But Krishna so kind that even a small leaf or flower offered to Krishna by the poorest man in the world, Krishna accepts such thing. Krishna is so opulent that he is not even slightly benefited by any presentation but he is so kind and merciful that he accepts a little bit of leaf or flower or water from his devotees, and because a devotee comes to him with such love and affection he becomes very much satisfied.

Letter to Upendra, 9 October, 1971

October 8

Your plan for supplying the temples with nice ornaments for their Deities is also very good. We should decorate our temple Deities with first class ornaments and nice flowers. In this temple you make a throne situated in a big closet. Just like I kept my Deities in a place where they were locked up at certain times, similarly you do the same. In this way the valuables of the Deities will be protected.

Letter to Krsna dasa, 8 October, 1969
