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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

April 18

Yes, when you are out of your station you can carry these Deities, but so long you are in Hamburg you will have very little time to arrange separately for worship. When a householder is not in touch with the temple, then he can have separate worship at home.

Letter to Jaya Govinda, 18 April, 1970

April 15

Without spiritual culture a human society is another polished edition of the animals. There is no value of education in the animal society as the trained up lion in a circus is never to be trusted. The lion is not trusted because it cannot assimilate spiritual knowledge. But a man is able to take up this knowledge and his formation of the brain is meant for it.

Letter to Sir of Japan, 15 April, 1961

April 14

I understand from the letter of Bahulasva as well as from your letter that police and public both have appreciated this transcendental procession. The general public of Berkeley had a bitter experience that whenever there was a large gathering like this, inevitably there was political upheaval, protest, and window-breaking, and a general havoc. But this unique procession has convinced them that our men are very nice and they can organize a great crowd without any violence. That is a fact: if people actually want peace and tranquillity, they must support this movement wholeheartedly, and we shall execute our prescribed duties very seriously and sincerely.

Letter to Madhudvisa, 14 April, 1970

April 8

Regarding your idea for writing articles for different legal journals, that will be very nice. I think it will be best if you take a little help from the editors who will be in Los Angeles soon. They can help you to make sure that nothing is stated improperly.

Letter to Gupta dasa, 8 April, 1975

April 6

I wish to thank you very much for your reading our books so carefully and scrutinizingly. Any man who read these literatures will find a storehouse of transcendental information. I hope you will continue to study so nicely on a daily basis as you have described in your letter.

Letter to Mr. Vincent Karl, 6 April, 1975

April 1

Regarding the court case, such kinds of case will come and go. We have to go on with our transcendental business. It is very encouraging that Sankirtana Party is going twice daily, that should be continued. Other things will be adjusted by the grace of Krsna.

Letter to Gurudasa, 1 April, 1970

March 31

I am depending on you leaders for the future of our Society, yet there is all this interest in illicit sex life. This is causing me heartache worrying how things will go on. What can I do? I have given you all instructions, why you cannot follow them? Now you are supposed to be a responsible devotee, and this situation must be rectified, it is bad example for others. You have begged for my blessings and I give them to you because you are my spiritual son and I have taken responsibility for engaging you in the service of Krsna. But I think you can from now on follow the regulated restrictions strictly and refrain from any sex life at all, that can be your austerity.

Letter to Kaliya Krsna, 31 March, 1973

March 30

So far keeping Deity in your separate house, I think there is no need for this. Because if you keep Him there, you have to take proper care, with aratis and attention, and thus divert attention from the Deity in the temple, and from chanting and so many other forms of service, like your writing and sewing, etc. So I think it best if everyone centers his attention on the Deity in the temple, and in that way the temple worship will pull on nicely. Of course, if the temple is unapproachable, or too far, or something like that, that is different thing, but if the temple is easily accessible then this is the best program - for all to go there and attend arati and kirtana etc.

Letter to Satyabhama, 30 March, 1969

March 27

If we simply repeat this philosophy exactly as it is, without any misrepresentation or adulteration, then this movement will never be checked, and we will conquer the world. So please train up all these boys and girls in the philosophy and brahminical culture and they will become useful tools in the hands of Lord Krishna for saving all the fallen souls in this age.

Letter to Jagadisa, 27 March 1972

March 24

I think it is not proper for Srimati Radharani to have a white night dress. Best to have a nice color for Her.

Letter to Kirtanananda, 24 March, 1969
