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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

March 22

So far Advaita is concerned, please do not be too much worried, because Krishna will save him. Krishna has promised to always give all protection to His devotees, so you may rest assured that Krishna will take very good care of him. Please confer my blessings to Advaita, and tell him to keep his faith in Krishna, and not to fear the people imprisoning him. Fear personified cannot remain in the presence of Krishna. And the authorities there are simply like wooden dolls, or puppets, in the Hands of the Dance-Master, Krishna.

Letter Balai dasi, 22 March, 1968

March 19

If you continue to work in this writing and publishing of our literatures with steady enthusiasm and sincerity, your success in Krishna Consciousness is certain. Therefore to keep your spiritual strength, always observe the regulative principles strictly and chant at least sixteen rounds of beads daily without fail. This is essential for understanding our philosophy practically to advance in Krishna Consciousness. And we should always avoid mental speculations.

Letter to Patita Uddharana, 19 March, 1970

March 18

Someway or other we have to push these literatures, whether through schools, colleges, libraries, membership or ordinary sales. In your country practically there is no illiteracy. Everyone can read and write. So when they will read Krsna book, certainly they will enjoy this as a story or as philosophy, morality, religion, etc. and gradually they will become perfect in Krsna consciousness.

Letter to Karandhara, 18 March, 1971

March 16

Please continue to help all the young girls, both in N.Y., and S.F. as well. If they take to following your example of sincere service, they will all be advanced in Krishna Consciousness very rapidly. Your example is very nice, using your artistic abilities to serve Krishna, and they may all follow in your footsteps.

Letter to Jadurani, 16 March, 1968

March 15

I am so pleased to know that you are carefully caring for your Deities and that you chant before Them always when at home. So the Lord is very kind upon His sincere devotees, and He will provide more and more opportunities for such a sincere devotee as you to advance in serving and remembering Him at all times.

Letter to Ekayani, 15 March, 1970

February 24

You write to say that you are too much absorbed in temporal thoughts of sex life. If that is the case, then perhaps you should get yourself married. In Krishna Consciousness we do not artificially repress any desires, but that everything can be used in Krishna's service is our philosophy. My Guru Maharaja made sannyasis to go out and preach this movement and I am making householder couples and they are doing so nicely to spread Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's message. So if you are so inclined and you can find a suitable girl, then you have my permission to get yourself married.

Letter to Meenakatan, 24 February, 1971

February 22

Now our policy should be as follows: 1. the layout should be done by us, 2. there should be no advertisements, 3. under different headings we shall publish articles from Bhagavad-gita As It Is, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Brahma Samhita, Nectar of Devotion, Vedanta Philosophy, Upanisads, etc. as well as comic pictures when possible. Besides that, if some of our students write as they have assimilated the philosophy, that also should be welcome.

Letter to Rayarama, 22 February, 1969

February 17

I am glad to hear that you are opening another workshop in Kauai for the manufacturing of the Gaura-Nitai Deities and this is a very great service to our society and devotees. But one thing. You should always inform me before sending the Deities to the Temples. We cannot send them indiscriminately to anyone who has the whim of worshiping the Deities. We must be very very careful as to not commit offenses in worshiping the Deities, so therefore there must be sufficient facilities and Brahmins to worship the Deity.

Letter to Govinda dasi, 17 February, 1973

February 16

Now you must agree to very rigidly follow the rules and regulations, i.e. chanting sixteen rounds of beads daily, rising early and attending Mangala Arati, observing the four principles, attending the classes, eating only bhagavata prasadam as well as working under the instruction of my representatives, such as your GBC representative and Temple President, and if you follow this procedure very strictly then your life will be glorious and you will go back to Home, back to Godhead, this I can guarantee.

Letter to Ghanasyama, 16 February, 1973

February 10

This gentleman is puzzled in his understanding about wherefrom we have come, what we are, and where we are going. But we are certain about it. So if he wants to know all these things, there is bona fide source for understanding these problems, providing he agrees to give a submissive aural reception to the respective authorities as much as he believes in the authoritative statements of Sir Isaac Newton. So either to accept the statements of Sir Isaac Newton or the statements of Lord Krishna, the beginning is a kind of faith. Unfortunately, these so-called scientific men can usually pin their faith on Sir Isaac Newton but not to the statements of Krishna or his representatives. So try to explain to him in this way.

Letter to Govinda dasi, 10 February, 1969
