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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

February 9

We learn from an instance of Sanatana Goswami. He was sometimes very much sick on account of eczema, and he was therefore sometimes bleeding. But whenever Lord Caitanya met Sanatana Goswami, He used to embrace him in spite of Sanatana's request for Him not to touch him. Because of this, Sanatana Goswami later on decided to commit suicide so Lord Caitanya would not embrace him in his bloody condition. This plan was understood by Lord Caitanya, and He called Sanatana Goswami and said to him, "you have decided to end this body, but don't you know that this body belongs to Krishna? You have already dedicated your body to Krishna so how can you decide to end it?'' So you must not neglect the upkeep of your body. This is the lesson we get from Lord Caitanya and Sanatana Goswami. Try to take care of your health in the best possible way.

Letter to Rayarama dasa, 9 February, 1969

January 19

So far the Nellore property is concerned, that is a nice proposal. Now, we should have self-sufficiency. This means to make our own food grains grow and to weave our own cloth—like in Mayapur. If we have food grains, milk, and cloth life becomes easy and we can save time for preaching and chanting. Not that everyone should do these activities of farming, but if one is less intelligent, or not intelligent enough to preach nicely, he can do. If one is capable, then he should preach. On the whole, our society should be divided into 4 divisions, but such divisions are not material. Just like Krishna belonged to the Vaisya community, but he is worshiped by the brahmanas. We shall utilize everything for Krishna's service.

Letter to Mahamsa Svami, 19 January, 1975

January 17

What I have introduced into your Western countries, the pure love for Godhead process of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, will go on increasing more and more to have effect by saving others; otherwise, it will gradually become mechanical and fade away like every other so-called religious movement. So you can understand that I am very much depending on you to become very much convinced yourself of our Krishna philosophy and to take full responsibility for teaching others purely.

Letter to Ranadhira, 17 January, 1972

January 1

I am asking you to take a new heart and try to cooperate with each other there. There is always some difference because we are not impersonalists, we are personalists and everyone is different. However we have our standard so everything must be conducted on the basis of Krsna Consciousness as I have taught it. You and your wife are there and you are both experienced members so why not take advantage and try to improve the situation there rather than think of moving? If we have to constantly move until we find the situation where there is no personal difficulty in relationships then we may never get down to our real work.

Letter to Madhavananda, 1 January, 1974

December 24

Regarding chanting in the street chased by the police is not good at all. The best thing is to invite people in our temple, and chant peacefully. If a person can sell from 7 to 12 magazines individually there is no need of making a procession of chanters and thereby disturbing the police equilibrium.

Letter to Cidananda, 24 December, 1968

December 22

I am encouraged to hear from you that Melbourne Temple is even better than Sydney Temple, so I must surely come there to see it. Go on like this, transcendental rivalry, just like San Francisco and Los Angeles, this pleases me very much. But it is not that we are envious! No, material envy is not like that. Even the gopis, they were envious of one another, in a transcendental sense. They were thinking, Oh, she has attracted Krishna more than me, that is very nice, she has given Him more pleasure than me, now let me try more to please Him. That is the process, how to improve in Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Upendra, 22 December, 1971

December 21

Regarding your question about Krishna recommending the chanting of His Holy Names, probably you have not marked it in your study of the Bhagavad-gita, but in chapter 9, verse 14, Krishna describes how His devotees are always chanting His Names. Lord Caitanya, although He is Krishna Himself, is even more merciful than Krishna in that He has shown to the fallen living entities of the kali yuga how the chanting process can immediately elevate one up to the spiritual atmosphere.

Letter to Harer Nama, 21 December, 1968

December 19

I am happy to learn that you are painting a portrait of my Guru Maharaja and that it is coming along nicely. As our movement continues to spread around the world we will be requiring so many of such paintings so that so many devotees and friends may engage their eyes in seeing Krishna and His devotees. So please try to improve your artistic abilities as far as possible.

Letter to Rukmini, 19 December, 1968

December 12

I am very much pleased by your wonderful cooperation in spreading this Krishna Consciousness Movement. Actually, this Movement is full with wonderful form, color, activities, everything. So now you go on in this way, and simply by your desiring to paint and photograph His attractive features, Krishna will give you all benedictions, please know it for certain. Thank you very much for assisting me in this way.

Letter to Uddhava, 12 December, 1971

December 9

Regarding the Radha-Krishna Murtis, first of all, as you are searching out a permanent place, the best thing will be to install Them in that permanent place. It doesn't matter if it is on rent or purchased; but we must be confident that there will not be disturbance by some landlord on some flimsy grounds. In the meantime, you can construct a nice throne as you will see it on the pictures enclosed.

Letter to Govinda Dasi, 9 December, 1969
