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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

May 9

As to importing the HARMONIST or doing one locally, do as suitable. It is a nice proposal to distribute such a newspaper.

Letter to Caru, 9 May, 1974

May 8

You have mentioned that you may be interested in marriage, and if you think that you should marry, there is no question of living as an artificial brahmacari.

Letter to, 8 May, 1969

May 7

We should follow in the footsteps of Lord Caitanya and the six Goswamis of Vrndavana. They were always serving Krishna in the mood of separation. They never said that "now I have seen Krishna'' or "last night I danced with Krishna'' - No. They were crying where is Krishna, and they were always searching after Him, wondering when they would finally be able to see Him. We should also desire intensely to see and be with Krishna, but first thing is to become purified through devotional service. It is not possible otherwise. So, keep on helping me to spread this Krishna Consciousness movement, following the rules and regulations very carefully, and your life will be perfected and you will see Krishna.

Letter to Lalita Priya devi, 7 May, 1975

May 6

It is very good news that the girl Haridasi is dreaming about Krishna, and Krishna is playing with her; it is very much encouraging. It means she will come out a great and successful devotee of Krishna when she is grown up and young. May Krishna bless her, and her good parents, who are training her in that way. Please offer my thanks to Balarama and his good wife.

Letter to Mukunda, 6 May, 1968

May 5

Continue this book distribution program very nicely, and at the same time take advantage of these books yourselves. Not that you just distribute but neglect reading them yourself. Always read them, especially Krsna book. Every time you have a spare moment, you should read. This will help you to advance in Krishna consciousness, and will give you the ability to convince others also.

Letter to Trai, 5 May, 1972

May 4

Simply we have to work and people will give contribution for this good cause. It is better to get money by collections than to work.

Letter to Sivananda, 4 May, 1969

May 3

The first two lines of the song "Haraye Namah Krsna'' were sung by Lord Caitanya and His followers, but the other lines of song were composed later on by Srila Narottama Das Thakura.

Letter to, 3 May, 1970

May 2

No Prthu does not have effulgence. He was a saktyavesa avatara, a living entity empowered.

Letter to, 2 May, 1974

April 30

In the Vedic language, their word for materialistic "love'' as we call it at present day; "kama'' lust for material desire, not love. The word for love, actually love we find in Vedas is "prema'', meaning one's love of God, only. Outside God, there is no possibility of loving. Rather it is lusty desire the whole range of human activities, whatever and whenever, so long with this atmosphere of matter, the every activity of the human being - or any living entity - is based upon or given impetus, and thus polluted, by the attraction between male and female, sex-desire. For that sex-life, the whole universe is spinning round - and suffering! That is the harsh truth. So-called love, here, means "you gratify my senses, I'll gratify your senses,'' and as soon as that gratification stops: immediately there is divorce, separation, quarrel, hatred. So many things there are, going on under this false conception of love. Actual love means love of God, Krishna.

Letter to Lynne Ludwig, 30 April, 1973

April 29

The regulative principles are designed to take us gradually to the platform of spontaneous love of Krsna, which is the perfection of human life. Those who think they have already attained such perfection and give up the regulative principles are called sahajiya, or those who take things cheaply and simply imitate. This early rising, holding classes, going out regularly for sankirtana, worshiping the deity are the very substance of devotional life.

Letter to Bhurijana, 29 April, 1974
