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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

June 27

So now that you are married you work together to spread Krsna consciousness. Marriage means that one's service becomes doubled, but at the same time we have to be very careful not to fall into sense gratification. That tendency is there, and we have to be always vigilant. Best thing is to chant carefully our 16 rounds on the beads and always think of Krsna.

Letter to Jnana das and Lilavati dasi, 27 June, 1975

June 17

By chanting one becomes liberated from all material impediments. Not only chanting gives us liberation, but even in our conditioned state we like to hear the sweet melodious sound of the chanting. Only a person who is committing suicide or who is addicted in animal killing, such persons cannot relish the sweetness of this chanting. But even if they take to this chanting, they will become liberated.

Letter to Jadurani, 17 June, 1969

June 16

When you are typing, you should know that it is as good as chanting, because the work is also on the matter of Krishna. Chanting on the beads and chanting on the typewriter Composer machine are both transcendental sounds of Krishna. Krishna's Name, His Fame, His Qualities - all of them are on the absolute platform, and therefore there is no difference between one and another. So do not be misled that you are typing and not chanting.

Letter to Arundhati, 16 June, 1969

June 14

People in the spell of maya are trying to squeeze out gross pleasure from the senses, which is not possible to derive to our heart's content. Therefore we are confused and baffled in our attempt to eschew eternal pleasure from gross matter. Actually, joyful life is on the spiritual platform, therefore we should try to save our valuable time from material activities and engage them for Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Hayagriva, 14 June, 1968

June 11

You must give your good husband all assistance so that he can do things nicely. That is your duty. As his wife, you are his better half and it is your duty to help him in every way possible. So first of all you must keep yourself fit in Krishna Consciousness. The means are simple. Strictly follow the regulative principles, regularly chant at least 16 rounds of beads daily, and without fail; read all our books and discuss them with your husband; go out for preaching regularly. In this way always keep engaged in Krishna's service with enthusiasm and faith in Krishna, and He will give you all facility for developing Trinidad center very nicely.

Letter to Caitanya Dasi, 11 June, 1971

June 9

Regarding your deity. So long as you are not living separately, you may put your deity on the regular temple altar, and as they are caring for the deity and feeding and dressing and cleansing, so the temple pujari may also give your deity the proper care and worship.

Letter to, 9 June, 1974

June 6

Hero means someone who others want to follow as example of the best type of person. So you all become like that, perfect examples of Krishna Consciousness heroes and heroines, and preach the message exactly as I have taught it to you very seriously and being fully convinced, and others will automatically come forward and join us. We shall all be like one great army of heroes for Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Letter to Visakha, 6 June, 1972

June 3

Radha and Krsna lila or pastime is perfectly understood by following the instructions of the six Goswamis. So all these favors and mercy of the Acaryas and Incarnations go together. It is not that if I receive favor of one section I shall be reluctant to receive favor of other sections. It is very good symptom to have received Lord Nityananda's favor, but if we are actually favored by Lord Nityananda our business will be to please Lord Caitanya. And if Lord Caitanya is pleased, then we easily understand the truth of Radha Krsna through the mercy of the Goswamis.
So the above verse means that as soon as one will chant the name of Lord Caitanya he will feel a transcendental ecstasy. All of us should wait for this stage of life.

Letter to Makhanlal, 3 June, 1970

May 31

Regarding your seeking permission for selling some leather goods and water pipes: I say yes, you can sell. We have nothing to do with these things, but in special cases, if somebody asks us to sell intoxicants or similar things, we cannot do that. The pipes are meant for persons who are already addicted to intoxication. So if we don't sell it, it does not mean it will counteract intoxication, even though indirectly it is connected with intoxication. We are not having any connection with these things, but you are selling for getting some profit for Krishna. You cannot dissatisfy your supplier who are eager to sell like that. But anyway, in all such odd circumstances as this, you should ask my permission. But be careful that you may not be attached to such business. If required, we can give up such business at any moment.

Letter to Gargamuni, 31 May, 1968

May 30

There is no necessity of attending a university. We have got enough of a university educational program in our Krishna Consciousness movement. There are so many books to study and they have to be introduced also by preaching. So engage yourself in this way. If we have to spend time learning something, then where is the time for service? So utilize what talents you have already in Krishna's service and He will give you the intelligence to increase more and more.

Letter to Vamanadeva, 30 May, 1971
