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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

August 12

If you are feeling tired, you may take rest. Your body is very valuable. It is dedicated to Krishna, so you must take care of the body very carefully. The best medicine is to rest and chant Hare Krishna Mantra, along with the doctor's prescription. Hare Krishna Mantra is bhavausadhi, the panacea for all material disease.

Letter to Giriraja, 12 August, 1971

August 11

Have a European preaching center and try to enlist all the hippies and tourists who come to Vrndavana. Give them nice prasadam, engage them in chanting, cleaning the temple, reading our books, and give them all facilities for becoming devotees.

Letter to Gurudasa and Yamuna, 11 August, 1972

August 9

Krsna and Balarama fighting as bulls is completely rejected by me. It is not good. You have made it demoniac. Make Them as they are themselves, as boys fighting. Never show like this. Everything is there in the Krsna Book. Don't imagine.

Letter to Jadurani devi dasi, 9 August, 1974

August 7

It is a very good idea that you have to be more attached to the Deities above marriage. But, it is not good to live at home because there is where meat is eaten. That will be offensive, so how can you worship the Deity under such circumstances. If your whole family become devotees, then that is another thing.

Letter to Candradevi dasi, 7 August, 1975

August 6

Try to become rich by selling BTG. There is possibility of making profit of at least $1,000 per month.

Letter to Subala, 6 August, 1969

August 5

So now you should take care of your wife. The woman should be cared for, especially during pregnancy. At the time of the marriage ceremony there is a promise that the husband will care for the wife throughout her life and the woman will serve the husband throughout his life. When the child is grown up then the husband can take sannyasa. Of course Lord Caitanya took sannyasa at 24 years, but that is a special case. I think that now you're doing more than sannyasa.

Letter to Karandhara, 5 August, 1971

August 4

Do you think that your different plans have brought in that standard of material prosperity or that modern western civilization can bring in that ideal prosperity? Even they are given all the facilities of material need yet the unrest will continue to go on till there is spiritual satisfaction of life. That is the secret of peace.

Letter to Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru, 4 August, 1958

August 3

So your program, seemingly like military men, marching with the Hare Krishna Mantra slogan is very very encouraging to me. I am always dreaming of a world Sankirtana Party, but your idea of marching 300 soldiers all over the world with the Hare Krishna Mantra is almost in fulfillment of my dream. So if you can believe in this adventure, certainly you will be doing a great deal of service to the humanity and therefore satisfying Krishna also.

Letter to Robert Hendry, 3 August, 1969

August 2

I sometimes remember that when I spoke in Portland there were many Christian people there, and they were very much favorable whenever we mentioned that we were also lovers of Christ. So you may preach in that way, that we are not canvassing for people to convert or criticize, we are canvassing people that they should simply utilize their time for loving God by engaging in his devotional service, either they are Christian, Catholic, Jew, whatever. We are after God, that's all, we are servants of God.

Letter to Danavir, 2 August, 1972

July 31

BTG is especially meant to give some facility to our students, to train them to write articles on the philosophy of Krishna consciousness. Our energy should be concentrated on one thing at a time, not that everyone will start their own magazine wasting time money and manpower.

Letter to Parasara das, 31 July, 1973
