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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

July 18

On the recommendation of Gurudasa I am very glad to accept you as my initiated disciple and your spiritual name is Tribhuvanatha Das Brahmacari. Tribhuvanatha means the Lord of the Three Worlds. And Das means servant. I have duly chanted the beads sent by you and they are returned to you herewith. Please always follow very strictly the regulative principles and chant sixteen rounds of Mahamantra daily on the beads. Study our literatures attentively and try to understand the philosophy nicely with the help of your God-brothers. Always work cooperatively to spread Krsna consciousness movement and chant Hare Krsna and your life will be sublime.

Letter to Tribhuvanatha, 18 July, 1970

July 17

You ask how you can become free of envy. Simply by chanting Hare Krsna, Lord Caitanya has said the heart will become cleaned of all the dirty things accumulated in the heart. It is not that we have to endeavor separately to become rid of envy or any deficiency or impurity. In this age the chanting of Hare Krsna is recommended as the only possible method to associate with Krsna. By offenseless chanting, when we associate with Krsna through His Holy Name, then all inauspicious things are cleared from the heart. So wherever you are you should always go on chanting, and that in itself will bring all perfection.

Letter to Cintamani dasi, 17 July, 1973

July 16

Cow protection practically solves the problems of sustenance and the greater portion of time of the devotees, being not engaged in the frantic scramble of materialistic competition for food and shelter, is kept engaged in the pursuit of spiritual perfection.

The activities are centered on the temple schedule of Aratikas (six daily, very regularly), kirtanas and classes in the Vedic scriptures. Work is in the fields of agriculture, horticulture, dairy and construction as well as devotional studies.

Letter to Nevatiaji, 16 July, 1970

July 10

In spiritual life also there are men and women. They are very beautiful and attractive, but they are all so much absorbed in thought of Krishna that in the spiritual world there is no sex life. That means that Krishna Consciousness is so sublime and happy that it surpasses the pleasure of sex life. In the material world, because there is no information of Krishna Consciousness, sex life is taken as the highest pleasurable situation. Anyway, in our philosophy we prohibit illicit sex life and not sex life itself. In Krishna Consciousness there are many illustrious householders. So to marry and to become an exemplary householder is the ideal life of Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to James Doody, 10 July, 1969

July 7

I am very glad also to know that you are managing the schedule of your center very capably. Of course Sankirtana is our most important engagement, but all the temple activities must go on regularly without any pause. This following of the daily duties will carry us to the spiritual platform very rapidly.

Letter to Jananivasa, 7 July, 1970

July 5

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated July 2, 1969, sent along with your beads. I have chanted on them and your initiated name is Giriraja. Giriraja is the name of the Govardhana Hill on which Krishna used to tend His cows. In Vrindaban the Govardhana Hill is worshiped as a representation of Krishna. Sometimes devotees take stone from Govardhana Hill and keep it at home as a representation of Krishna, and they worship in this way. I am very glad to understand that you have at least relished some of the transcendental bliss of Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Giriraja, 5 July, 1969

July 3

Sukaracharya was afraid of his own position. He was living at the cost of Bali Maharaja, so if Vamanadeva would take away everything from Bali Maharaja, he was thinking how he would live. That is a materialistic temperament. The materialist does not want to serve or to give to Visnu, because he thinks that by giving away to Visnu he will be put into poverty-stricken condition. This is materialistic estimation. But actually that is not the fact, as it will be evidenced by the dealing of Bali Maharaja and Vamanadeva.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 3 July, 1968

July 2

I thank you very much for your guru daksine gift and your nice letter expressing your appreciation for your spiritual master. This is the proper way to receive the blessings of Krsna, by begging the mercy of the spiritual master. yasya prasadad bhagavata prasadao. If one pleases the spiritual master, then it is to be understood that Krsna is pleased.

Letter to Padmanabha das and Mahojjvala dasi, 2 July, 1969

July 1

As soon as Jagannatha or Radha Krsna Deities are installed you will require some qualified pujaris immediately. If there is scarcity of such qualifies pujaris, each center should be satisfied only by worshiping Panca Tattva of Lord Caitanya by performance of Sankirtana.

Letter to Damodara, 1 July, 1970

June 28

Caitanya Mahaprabhu especially warned His devotees to deal with worldly minded men. Therefore according to Vedic principles, only the Brahmacaris, the Vanaprasthas, and the Sannyasis are recommended to take to Krishna Consciousness seriously or to get free from the problem of earning money. The Grhasthas are supposed to support the 3 sections of the society. Anyway, the best source of our income should be by accepting contributions from the sympathetic public, and selling our own books and literature. That is also a sort of business, but it doesn't matter. And if we do business we must do it independently, without any assistance from outsiders. We can take help from outside in the matter of monetary help, either by contribution or by loan, but not to enter into transactions with outsiders. Because their aim of life is different from ours.

Letter to Brahmananda, 28 June, 1968
