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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

August 22

Actually we the Krishna Conscious people are soldiers of the Lord, or Arms of the Lord, and because we are energy at the same time, because all living entities are energy of the Lord, so energy is always kept on the left side. As you have seen, Radharani is also on the left side of the Lord, and similarly, Laksmiji is also kept on the left side of the Lord, so we are also marginal energy, not exactly like Radharani or Laksmiji, but we are superior energy than matter, or material energy, so we should keep ourself always on the left side of the Lord, and let us act as His Arms, or army.

Letter to, 22 August, 1968

August 21

Regarding remarriage, no, remarriage should be always discouraged. Remarriage means encouraging sense gratification. Our mission is to curtail sense gratification. Three times marrying in a year, this is not good, and they are doing this.

Letter to Rupanuga das, 21 August, 1975

August 20

I do not care very much for these filmings because by presenting Krishna in this way it makes it something like fantasy. It is better to have people to read my Krishna books what I have written so that they can understand Krishna fully. I think you can understand this.

Letter to Caruhasa das, 20 August, 1974

August 19

Your appreciation for the service of your God-brothers is very much laudable. This is actually a devotee's business that everyone should appreciate the value of other devotees. Nobody should criticize anyone. Because everyone is engaged in the service of the Lord, according to one's capacity, and the thing is, Krishna wants to see how much one is sincere in rendering Him service.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, 19 August, 1968

August 18

I beg to thank you for your kind appreciation on the Vyasa Puja Day. Your sentiments are appreciated by me. It is stated by Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura it is only by pleasing the Spiritual Master that one can be assured of pleasing Krishna. So my only request to my disciples all over the world on this day is to go on pushing on this movement with determination and sincerity, rigidly following the principles I have given you.

Letter to Balbhadra das and Ratnaranjini, 18 August, 1974

August 17

Regarding Murli Manohar Murti, I understand that the Patels are ready to present silver Murti, but we cannot worship Murli Manohar alone, without being accompanied by His most favorite consort Radharani. You know that we worship Radha's Krishna. We should always understand that Krishna is sold to the loving service of Radha, therefore Krishna cannot be alone. And the Gaudiya Vaisnavas they want to see Krishna as Radha's property. Therefore, if Mr. Patel can present a Pair of Radha Krishna Murti, not less than 18'' in height, never mind even They are made of yellow brass metal, that will be very nice. And if They are made of silver, that is still more nice. And it will be my great pleasure to install the Murtis in the temple as soon as They are ready.

Letter to Jayananda, 17 August, 1968

August 16

If you want to learn Bengali, there are many sources. Simply Caitanya-caritamrta will be sufficient. I shall deliver to you my old copy when I go to New York on the way to Europe. Don't worry.

Letter to Pradyumna, 16 August, 1969

August 15

I am also very happy to learn that Himavati is going to have a baby. A child is a rare gift given by Krishna, but at the same time a great responsibility; every parent has the responsibility to see that his child grows up K.C. I know that you understand this, and will always make Krishna the center of your home.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 15 August, 1967

August 14

If they are prepared to sell the land at the right price, then I can purchase all the available land. My idea is to purchase land for agriculture so inmates may not depend on outsiders but grow food there and things may go on nicely.

Letter to Dinesh Babu, 14 August, 1971

August 13

Regarding sales figures, please endeavor in this way. The sales figures—this is the only solace in my life. When I hear that my books are selling so nicely, I become energetic like a young man. It is very good report that the printers are surprised at our sales figures.

Letter to Ramesvara, 13 August, 1974
