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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

September 12

Please continue your program of preaching in Eastern Europe for this program is very pleasing to me. You should be supplied all funds for this program by the local GBC men there in Europe. This program is very important.

Letter to Dvarakesa and Prabhujaka, 12 September, 1976

September 11

Here in Vrindaban we have constructed one Guest House by our Krishna Balarama Mandir. The Guest House contains 44 Guest Rooms not including the rooms for our own men. I wish that you may kindly come here to Vrindaban to train up my men how to organize and run the Guest House nicely. I think one week will be sufficient. We shall pay all your expenses in coming and going from Bombay.

Letter to Sri Ramchandra Chabriaji, 11 September, 1975

September 10

There is no difference between our chanting on the street or in temple or in jail. A Krishna Conscious person is not afraid of any place, but he wants to chant constantly in all circumstances.

Letter to Caru, 10 September, 1972

September 9

Henceforward, we shall try to avoid the Beatles or hippy's articles, because they have no spiritual importance.

Letter to Brahmananda, 9 September, 1969

September 7

Not a single farthing should be invested in any business enterprise. Formally it was so done without any sanction. So be careful.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 7 September, 1974

September 6

There are three enemies. One of them is the mother with child who marries again. The child should be raised in Krsna consciousness movement where both of you will advance in developing love of God.

Letter to Vidyabadhu devi dasi, 6 September, 1976

September 5

I understand that you want to open another branch of Spiritual Sky in Boston, but Gargamuni has written to me that he does not like the idea. I think we should not do anything which may be business competition between centers. Business is in one sense very dangerous allurement of Maya.

Letter to Brahmananda, 5 September, 1969

September 4

Just like Prahlada Maharaja, he never asked Krishna for anything, oh Krishna please save me from my demon father, no. But because he was always remembering Krishna under all circumstances, Krishna saved him anyway, and when He became finally angry He came Himself and killed the demon father. But even Krishna came Himself, still Prahlada did not ask Him for any favors, only to please kindly have mercy upon my father. That is pure devotee. Of course we cannot imitate, but we should always try to remember the example of our predecessors and follow their example always.

Letter to Patty Dorgan, 4 September, 1972

September 3

Regarding your question, Sukdev and Vilvamangal Thakura developed the conjugal ecstacies later on.

Letter to Acyutananda Swami, 3 September, 1975

September 2

The idea is that the original name, "Back to Godhead'', even it goes to foreign country it should continue to be the same. As you can see from other important magazines like "Life'' and "Time'' they are distributed in foreign countries is the same name without being translated into the local language. If you think that such change will be more convenient, I have no objection - such change means, instead of "Back to Godhead'', "Zuruck zur Gottheit.''

Letter to Hamsaduta, 2 September, 1970
