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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

October 16

Regarding the older boys, they can do gardening engagement and other brahmacari engagements, study and manual work. And, as soon as they can read Sanskrit and English, they should read our books, such as Bhagavad-gita As It Is. By cleansing the temple and growing flowers their attention in this way be always in Krsna consciousness. That will save them from the clutches of maya.

Letter to Dayananda Das, 16 October, 1973

October 15

A film showing illegal techniques of distributing my books (Money shuffle) was never authorized by me. If it is actually a fact what you say, then stop it immediately. In all our dealings we should be above suspicion. They say first impressions are lasting. If someone feels cheated by our men because they are using dubious methods of distribution and collecting money our purity may be doubted and reputation spoiled. So please do not allow such film showing to take place until I have seen the film personally.

Letter to Kirtanananda Maharaja, 15 October, 1976

October 14

There are many common men who do not believe that they have gone to the moon planet. So as common men we can simply say, how can dust and rocks reflect so much of light as to illuminate the night, like the sun at day. It is simply bogus to say that the moon is full of dust and rocks. Such a beautiful soothing planet is full of dust and rock with no living beings there is simply unbelievable. You are a learned scholar, do you think it is believable that dust and rocks can illuminate the whole universe at night. It is so soothing and beautiful. I shall be very glad to receive further enlightenment in this connection from your good self.

Letter to Dr. W.H. Wolf-Rottkay, 14 October, 1976

October 13

Regarding your question about Govinda Ganamrta, Govinda is Krishna, and ganamrta means the nectar of songs. That means anything sung about the activities of Govinda is nectar. You have mentioned that Srila Rupa Goswami has introduced this. Srila Rupa Goswami, assisted by all other Goswamis have left immense literature for singing about the glories of Govinda. Whatever literature we are presenting, following the footsteps of Rupa Goswami and the others, they are also Govinda Ganamrta. So the more Govinda Ganamrta or the glories of Govinda will be spread the more the nonsense of impersonalism and monism will be defeated.

Letter to Tamala Krishna, 13 October, 1969

October 12

I am glad to hear of the book distribution success of Tripurari in Chicago. It is reported that he did it dressed in dhoti, but Karandhara says that dhoti is an impediment. So if he can distribute 105 Gitas and 105 Sri Isopanisad in one day in dhoti in Chicago, why not try for this in other places as well.

Letter to Ramesvara, 12 October, 1973

October 11

Debt is not good. It is said that a happy man is he who lives at home and has no debts. That is a happy man. Please try to correct this situation.

Letter to Sri Govinda das, 11 October, 1974

October 10

I was so glad to read as you write to say, "I opened the temple on Thursday and am in the process of fixing it up.'' It is so much pleasing to me and what can I give you?! I can simply pray to Krishna for your long life and prosperous service to Krishna. Please do it nicely and if you think that I shall go there, I am prepared. I do not mind for the severe cold there, but if you think that my service will be helpful to you, you can call me, I shall go.

Letter to Sivananda, 10 October, 1968

October 9

Regarding printing our books and literatures, I may inform you in this connection that I saw one bulletin of "Indian Railways'' in which it was specifically advised that every railway servant should see to it that the wheels of the carriages or vehicles must be moving always, which means that the railway is going nicely. Similarly all of us should see that our literatures are profusely distributed. That means that our missionary work is going on nicely. Otherwise we are simply sleeping and eating. The literature we have already designated as brihat mrdanga. So distribution of literature means great Sankirtana.

Letter to Karandhara, 9 October, 1971

October 8

I am very glad to understand that your service attitude for propagation of Krishna Consciousness is progressively increasing. Krishna Consciousness is such a nice thing that the more you work for the cause, the more you become enthusiastic to execute the purpose. Your wife is always assisting you so why make her unhappy by uttering something which is unnecessary and unpleasant? Even if you accept vanaprastha there is no restriction for keeping one's wife in company. Only a Sannyasi can not have any connection with woman. Just as a brahmacari. In my opinion, your wife and yourself are nicely executing my mission and please try to follow my instructions and you shall never be unhappy.

Letter to Subala, 8 October, 1967

October 7

In New Vrindaban, our program is that the inhabitants should produce their own food, somehow or other they should be self-independent. Otherwise, what is the use of occupying such great tract of land.

Letter to Hayagriva, 7 October, 1968
