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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

November 26

Also, your carving and painting Lord Jagannatha deities is very nice, we shall require such deities in all of our temples.

Letter to Candravali, 26 November, 1968

November 25

Yes. You have the right attitude towards disturbing comments of fellow devotees. Lord Caitanya has advised us to always remain more humble than the grasses and more tolerant than the tree, devoid of all sense of false prestige and ready to offer respects to all persons. It is not our policy to reject someone on any personal grounds. Rather it is our duty to encourage him on the common platform of devotional service to Krsna.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 25 November, 1970

November 24

Please continue to try for the printing of Back To Godhead French edition. We work so that men of all languages and cultures may join us in chanting Hare Krishna and for this we need so many literatures in so many different languages. So please try for this. As you are His sincere servitor Krishna will provide you with the intelligence to do this nicely.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 24 November, 1968

November 23

The greatest offense is to defy the spiritual master and to act sinfully, thinking in the strength of chanting. If a man thinks that chanting will save him from all kinds of sinful reaction deliberately committed by him, then he becomes the greatest offender. By chanting Hare Krishna certainly we become free from all sinful reactions, but that does not mean that we shall deliberately commit sins and counteract it by chanting.

Letter to Umapati, 23 November, 1967

November 22

I am in due reciept of you letter dated October 22nd, 1974 regarding your proposal to spread Krishna Consciousness in Germany village to village by horse and wagon I do not know if this is a practical suggestion, but if the preaching goes on I have no objection. You can consult with Hamsaduta in this connection to see if he approves. Preaching is the important thing and not the mode of transport, So if it can be done I have no objection.

Letter to Padmagarbha das, 22 November, 1974

November 21

I am happy to accept them as my sincere disciples, now you give them all good advice how to push on this Krishna Consciousness Movement. Let them know it for certain, that something given to Krishna is never lost or wasted, and if they are determined they may go back to Godhead, very soon.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 21 November, 1971

November 20

Krsna will guide you how to increase the library distribution. Do not worry. Just do it sincerely and with a cool brain.

Letter to Satsvarupa das Gosvami, 20 November, 1975

November 19

I understand that Dinesh's present job is very tedious and hampering, but because you are now a family man, you must have some steady income. So unless you find out a better job, how can you give up the present one? We step forward when we understand that the forward step is on a sound basis, then we get on the rear step. Your record and film business is not yet started so there is no certain income. The scheme which you have submitted is very nice and appears to be very practical and sound, and you are also very intelligent. Your idea is also very glorious. You want to serve Krishna with all your energies and intelligence, so I have got all support and approval of this scheme, but until you have got some income, how can I advise you to give up your present job, especially when you are a family man. Of course, if you find it too much tedious, then there is no other alternative but to give up the job and depend on Krishna, and He will do the needful.

Letter to Dinesh and Krishna devi, 19 November, 1968

November 18

Even amongst our God-brothers we have misunderstanding but none of us is astray from the service of Krishna. My Guru Maharaja ordered us to execute his mission combinedly. Unfortunately we are now separated. But none of us have stopped preaching Krishna Consciousness. Even if there was misunderstanding amongst the God-brothers of my Guru Maharaja none of them deviated from the transcendental loving service of Krishna. The idea is that provocation and misunderstanding may remain between one man and another. But our staunch faith in Krishna Consciousness may not allow any material disruption. Please therefore try to be sympathetic with any person even if they differ. The only qualification we have to scrutinize is if one is acting in Krishna Consciousness as far as one is able to do it.

Letter to Brahmananda, 18 November, 1967

November 17

Kindly push on this college program - only the most intelligent persons can understand Krishna philosophy, so it is very important that we spread this message to the intelligent class of men. Soon I shall be printing my latest book, commentaries on your Western philosophers, and with this instruction you will be able to defeat all of the mental speculators and so-called scientists who are simply misleading everyone.

Letter to Brhaspati das, 17 November, 1971
