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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

December 17

One thing, you say that literature distribution is low; actually, the test of the strength of our preaching work is that we sell many books and magazines. So what is the difficulty? Simply preach very sincerely to anyone and everyone, and go on in this way preaching more and more, and the demand for our books will increase.

Letter to Sri Galim, 17 December, 1971

December 16

Be an ideal couple of husband and wife in your country. Be Krishna Conciousness by full cooperation of husband and wife and you be happy both in this and the next life also.

Letter to Krishna devi, 16 December, 1967

December 15

As far as the seven transcendental meters for singing the names of the Lord, that is not so important for now. Better to try to increase the purity of the chanting first, that is our most important thing.

Letter to Bhakta Mark, 15 December, 1974

December 14

As soon as you finish the Gitopanisad business and the matter is handed over to the MacMillan Co. we begin on the Bhagavatam work without delay. Bhagavatam must be finished before my mortal body stops to work and your help in this connection will be very much helpful.

Letter to Rayarama, 14 December, 1967

December 13

Regarding the material for canvas protection I think that there is a tar which is made from coals which may be used. Or else if this is not available or cannot be used then you may use any material which will do the job nicely.

Letter to Jadurani, 13 December, 1968

December 12

The pictures of Lord Krishna and His expansions are particularly meant for giving chance to the neophytes for offering devotional service.

Letter to Jadurani, 12 December, 1967

December 11

You should not install the Deities until you have a complete program to see that regulated worship may go on nicely. Until then, simply worship Guru and Gauranga in pictures.

Letter to Mahendra, 11 December, 1973

December 10

I am also pleased to note that they are going to purchase my books, 30-35 sets. That is a great boon for us. If we can introduce our books in these colleges and universities, it will be great prestige for the society and myself also personally. So let us do this business as an experiment.

Letter to Brahmananda, 10 December, 1969

December 9

Sometimes there may be disagreement and quarrel but we should not go away. These inebrieties can be adjusted by the cooperative spirit, tolerance and maturity so I request you to kindly remain in the association of our devotees and work together. The test of our actual dedication and sincerity to serve the Spiritual Master will be in this mutual cooperative spirit to push on this Movement and not make factions and deviate. Try to convince Gaurasundara and Siddha-svarupa to return to ISKCON and let us forget whatever has happened in the past.

Letter to Babhru, 9 December, 1973

December 8

Regarding the painting of the arati ceremony, yes do it as it is described in the song. The ceremony was held inside. No arati takes place in the open. Lord Caitanya was a householder at the time. Navadvipa lila means householder lila. The form exhibited was the Panca-tattva form, as it is described: dakhine nitaicand bame gadadhara. Not only are Brahma and Lord Siva but all demigods are offering. And, everyone has got sikhas.

Letter to Ameyatma dasa, 8 December, 1974
