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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

February 9

We learn from an instance of Sanatana Goswami. He was sometimes very much sick on account of eczema, and he was therefore sometimes bleeding. But whenever Lord Caitanya met Sanatana Goswami, He used to embrace him in spite of Sanatana's request for Him not to touch him. Because of this, Sanatana Goswami later on decided to commit suicide so Lord Caitanya would not embrace him in his bloody condition. This plan was understood by Lord Caitanya, and He called Sanatana Goswami and said to him, "you have decided to end this body, but don't you know that this body belongs to Krishna? You have already dedicated your body to Krishna so how can you decide to end it?'' So you must not neglect the upkeep of your body. This is the lesson we get from Lord Caitanya and Sanatana Goswami. Try to take care of your health in the best possible way.

Letter to Rayarama dasa, 9 February, 1969

January 29

Yes, begin the bus program village to village, distributing kirtana, prasadam and books. That will make our foundation strong.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 29 January, 1976

January 26

Your husband Sriman Subala das is living with me very peacefully, and he is carving Radha and Krsna, from hard wood. So this life of material existence is just like hard wood and if we can carve Krsna out of it, that is the success of our life.

Letter to Krsna Devi, 26 January, 1968

January 23

Because everything manifested is creation of the original transcendental Sound, therefore, factually everything is spiritual. But being covered by material cloud, we do not appreciate properly the spiritual nature of everything. The Krishna Consciousness Movement means gradually advancing towards that stage of spiritual realization. As such, the philosophy of acintya bhedabheda tattva is perfect. Everything is simultaneously one and different from the Supreme. One in quality because the original source is the Spiritual Whole, and different in quantity. This quantitative difference becomes more and more separate by increase of material consciousness.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 23 January, 1970

January 22

You have suggested that some men are best engaged in doing business. I agree. All grhasthas who are interested in doing business should do so in full swing. Yat karosi yad asnasi, yaj juhosi dadasi yat/ yat tapasyasi kaunteya tat kurusvamad arpanam [Bg. 9.27]. Let this be the guiding principle. So let all the grhasthas who wish to, execute business full-fledgedly in the USA and in this way support Gurukula. Business must be done by the grhasthas, not by the sannyasis or brahmacaris. Neither the sannyasis or brahmacaris can be expected to support Gurukula. The parents must take responsibility for their children, otherwise they should not have children.

Letter to Jayatirtha, 22 January, 1976

January 21

I beg to thank your good self and all the other members of the Press Department for your sincere efforts to please your Spiritual Master and Krsna by propagation of Lord Caitanya's philosophy.

Letter to Advaita, 21 January, 1971

January 20

It is not that we may present anything crude translation and that is acceptable. No, even though the transcendental subject matter of Vedic literature is still spiritually potent despite the crudest translation, still, because we have got facility to make it perfect, that is our philosophy. When I translated Srimad-Bhagavatam I had not the facility so you may notice grammatical discrepancies.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 20 January, 1972

January 19

One who distinguishes a particular type of service as inferior or superior, he does not know the value of devotional service. It is all transcendental.

Letter to Satsvarupa Maharaja, 19 January, 1975

January 18

You are charging too much for the "Krishna Conscious Movement is Authorized''. It should not cost the Temples more than 10 cents or whatever the cost price is. This is our advertisement and is meant for mass distribution. I have already suggested to you how to do this.

Letter to Ramesvara, 18 January, 1976

January 17

Thousands of people go to Vrindaban daily. They make the arrangement of visiting so many holy places. Arrangement should be made. If we have no place, still there is no scarcity of place in Vrindaban. There are hundreds of dharmasala. The panda will arrange for the dharmasala for three days, namely the 12th, 13rd and 14th. The pilgrims shall stay there for 3 days. Buses should be engaged to take the devotees one day to Govardhana and Radhakunda, Nandagram and Barsana. The other day, Dauji and another day to some other places. From dharmasala the buses will take the devotees to visiting places and then come back to their respective dharmasala. If there is a little inconvenience, still the devotees must visit Vrindaban.

Letter to Gurudasa, 17 January, 1974
