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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

April 6

I am in due receipt of your letter dated March 27, 1976 with enclosed cassette tape and I thank you very much. I very much liked the chanting on this tape. It is very excellent and should be popularized and it will be a great success. Introduce this into every home and that will help them, and if they read our books then finished, no more material life.

Letter to Krishna Kanti das, 6 April, 1976

April 5

Actually, Sankirtana Party is our main business, and even you do not find a temple there for some time it is not cause for any disturbance. Continue to propagate Krishna Consciousness through Sankirtana Party, and surely you will come out fully successful.

Letter to Syamasundara, 5 April, 1969

April 4

I have got confidence in you because Krishna has given you special talent for chanting Hare Krishna Mantra. When you were chanting in L.A. temple in the evenings, or in the mornings, I enjoyed your chanting so nicely that I thought myself immediately carried to Vaikuntha. So I am always thankful to you for your activities in announcing the interest of our mission. Thank you very much.

Letter to Visnujana Maharaja, 4 April, 1971

April 3

So there is no cause of becoming sad. Our meeting and separation in the material world is like the flowing tide of the river. During the flowing tide of the river, so many different floating articles meet together, and with the flowing, they again become separated by the movement of the waves. That is the way of the material life. But our separation, although it resembles exactly in the material way, it is completely different. In the spiritual world, separation is more relishable than meeting. In other words, in spiritual life, there is no separation. Separation is eternal, and meeting is also eternal. The separation is simply another feature of meeting.

Letter to Brahmananda, 3 April, 1969

April 2

The proposed farm project in northern California is approved by me. Such projects as well as constructing temples, protecting cows, gathering milk, then making ghee, then opening Hare Krishna Restaurants are all good programs for grhasthas.

Letter to Citsukhananda das, 2 April, 1976

April 1

Regarding Radharani's smiling, that is not imagination - so she must smile. Let this be an impetus to your increased service. Radha Krsna topics are for both liberated and conditioned souls, but conditioned souls should not much discuss about the loving affairs between Radha and Krsna because sometimes they misunderstand Radha and Krsna as ordinary boy and girl. So this should be discussed with advanced students, not with ordinary men.

Letter to Himavati, 1 April, 1970

March 31

It is difficult to send things through the mail, so better if you go to our New York temple for getting prasadam. Krishna is absolute so prasadam offered in our temple in New York is as good and the same as the prasadam from here. I am glad that you are enjoying chanting "Hare Krishna'' and reading my books. You and your wife should continue with this process and try to attend our temple as often as possible and gradually you will come to Krishna consciousness.

Letter to Edward, 31 March, 1977

March 30

Krishna is sufficiently powerful and able to give facilities to His devotees provided a devotee works very sincerely to please Him. We shall always keep this motto in our view.

Letter to Syama dasi, 30 March, 1969

March 29

A little inattention may cause our falling down into the clutches of Maya. The path of Krsna Consciousness is compared in the Vedas with a sharpened razor blade. If you carefully manipulate it, the blade helps by clean shaving; but a little inattention causes a bloody cheek. So this example we should always remember and carefully manipulate the blade of Krsna Consciousness.

Letter to, 29 March, 1970

March 28

As I have told you several times that my Guru maharaj used to say that this world is not a fit place for gentleman. His version is corroborated by the following verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam. It is said like: yasya asti bhagavati akincana bhakti / sarvai gunais tatra samasate sura / harav abhaktasya kuto mahat guna / manorathena asato dhavato bahi. "A person who is not in Krishna consciousness has no good qualifications. However so called gentleman one may be or academically educated he may be he is hovering over the mental plane and therefore he must commit nuisance being influenced by the external energy. A person who has however unflinching faith in the Supreme Personality of Godhead has all the good qualifications of the demigods.'' In other words you should not keep your trust on so called gentlemen of the world however nicely dressed he may be. In the matter of discharging our mission of Krishna consciousness we have to meet so many so called gentlemen but we must be very cautious for dealing with them as we are cautious in dealing with serpents.

Letter to Brahmananda, Satsvarupa, Rayram, Gargamuni, Rupanuga, Donald, 28 March, 1967
